please tear up your to-do list and take a few deep breaths. !!! Asteroid Talent - 33154. Pandoras themes include: curiosity, especially curiosity that kills the cat, initiating change through curiosity, unintended consequences, caught off-guard, restlessness, rebelliousness, meddling troublemaker. Asteroids are influences of feminine energy in the natal chart, with Pallas being the least feminine energy of the asteroids. you seem like the person that others would follow anywhere. In order to do so, one must blast the foundations of assuming that this the way life is and the way life always will be. people may be worried about your rejection of them. If you have Gemini Ceres/Ceres in the 3rd house in the composite chart and this is a romantic partnership: you could have great mental rapport, but might not be physically that compatible. like many paintings of this greek goddess, everyone notices you but you are noticing everything else - the atmosphere as an example. You can be distant. but no y'all have a ton of friends, followers, acquaintances, and whatever else distinction can be used to organize all those people around you. aphrodite-saturn: i feel like this aspect in a person is often seen as mature or womanly or what have you from a very young age (this love goddess was born from the sea and rose from the water as an adult woman - she was never a child). you may have a very athletic or toned body, with intriguing scars and/or nice genitals (you are likely super fertile too). it may go very far in the sense you create fake accounts to catch partners who potentially, and are likely not, cheating on you. Asteroid Ara is only bad, per se, when poorly positioned or afflicted within a natal chart. aphrodite-zeus (5731): positive aspects: viewed by the men around as someone to be respected and protected from other men. you may attract potential long-term relationships very easily. Asteroid Karma is a great indicator of such energy within a birth chart. The most crucial factor becomes developing those subselves that can take on specific responsibilities and look after them; one becomes an administrator, overseeing the operations of a great number of virtually autonomous busy bees who stay on their job twenty-four hour a day. Since Venus and the moon are the only ones representing the feminine force in the chart, we've turned to the asteroid belt to fill in the blanks.. Sisyphus was punished by being forced to roll a boulder up a mountain every day, only to awaken the next morning and find himself again at the bottom of the mountain. i think thats the part of the series where aphrodite dresses like a southern belle? Congratulations to any of my Moroccan followers or supporters . Asteroid 7328 Casanova was discovered on September 20, 1984, by Czech astronomer Antonin Mrkos at Klet Observatory in the Czech Republic, and named for Italian writer and adventurer Giacomo Casanova (1725-1798), who is best known for his bedroom acrobatics but who was also an accomplished author who wrote on a wide variety of topics, including Im hesitant to put this out there, but based upon research I have done I think I may be autistic. you may also be jealous of those you find prettier than you - you may target them. Juno in the 5th house/in Leo is a social climber, however you are very very loyal and probably never had a love affair. you are so enchanting in presence and personality. your makeup makes you look flawless and unreal at times (how could someone be so perfect type of vibes). you likely know your worth better than most people - this is aphrodite in her no thanks, hephaestus, i prefer ares phase. This asteroid can also talk about areas of wounding we cannot escape, such as alcoholism or drug abuse. Also chasing after men without accounting for their ability to choose whether they want you or not and/or anguish over your lovers death/watching them die right in front of you. you may have the power to manipulate those around you (like aphrodite did psyche). click here for more greek myths & legends regarding primordials, titans, gods, goddesses, and muses, click here for more greek myths & legends regarding heroes, kings, queens, creatures, and creations. oddly people are often thankful for your intervention. you may bounce back pretty well after a breakup because you have an incredible ability to heal on your own. Talent in Aries: Talent may be one of passion and excitement, possibly talented in sports or physical . Sometimes in life we may feel that certain events were fated or pre-told. Ate may show where one is likely to respond to real or imagined threats in an exaggerated fashion. Originally posted by freeasabird16048kg. Said another way with great power comes great responsibility. you could be an incredible salesperson as well -you have that friendly, pretty face that could sell a poor man a diamond and a billionaire a box of girl scout cookies (despicable me reference). Black moon is just a black moon symbol in the chart, whereas black moon Lilith will have the cross at the bottom of the moon. While not necessarily bad (it can stand for an assertive, power-house type of personality, particularly in women), Bellona strongly placed in charts can be extremely confrontational or willing to fight. RETROGRADE MAKES ALL OF THESE THINGS LISTED BELOW SUPER STRESSFUL OR SLOW TO APPEAR IN YOUR LIFE !!! its like the moment aphrodite is suddenly married to hephaestus: like howd we get here, bruv? 10h: you and the 6h aphrodites are girlbossing the shit out of the world - like does your back ever hurt from carrying around the weight of everyones adoring gazes, your incredible reputation, and your big bags of money? its never just aphrodite. Persephones story is one of the great myths of Greece. Eventually, her mother finds her and negotiates a life where she will live above ground 6 months of the year, and below the other 6. the truth is that you can have anything you want - so make sure it is what you want not what society expects or what the masculine energies around you expect you to have. Stuck in a vicious cycle of rebuilding. i wont regret it for you while you fret over those initial days of shocking those around you because i just know you will look beautifully you! Overreaching, fatal crashes, being disabled or crippled in some way. Hygeia- placed between Jupiter and Mars. flodeshe liked this your parents may have told you you werent allowed to date until you were a certain age. What seems to be of immediate crucial importance is maintaining the minute particulars of everyday existence, competently and conscientiously. They are really only relevant astrologically if the Asteroid is conjunct the Sun, Moon, chart ruler, rising or Midheaven degree. please use my ask me anything button if you want to see a specific asteroid god/goddess next! but no everyone loves you for your mind. Abuse, violation of physical boundaries, sexual abuse. gemini (3, 15, 27): you likely capture everyones interest as soon as you enter a room. you are the person that everyone doats on - the person that people dreamily agree with readily. you may also be attractive for your financial situation - you are the breadwinner in every relationship unless you run into an aphrodite/adonis/mars in 2h/8h/11h, only then is the title of breadwinner up in the air. Many of the asteroids are named after the female family of Jupiterhis daughter Pallas Athena, his sister Ceres, his wife Juno. there is a chance that you will experience a relationship similar to aphrodite and aress. you may also have an expressive face, be a slender person, be taller than average, and have graceful hands. sagittarius (9, 21): magnetic - you are magnetic. and i have to agree lmao - because he low-key was pissed when they were doing the same thing to hephaestus (lmfao every time i write that name it autocorrects to hepatitis <3 we love that) but the story is you found that act of rebellion fun as well (like zeus just forced them to marry where was aphrodites consent to this?). So in your astrology natal chart the asteroid Luda (1158) can indicate : where a lot of people like or adore or love you. you likely wear leather, satins, silks - really anything that makes you look seductive yet badass. Long time no see. sister knew her standards. The mind becomes a multiplex field of material-plane factors to track with and hold together. you have a lot of drama surrounding beauty standards, with women around you and old flings, or regarding your possession (black friday may get ugly for you lol). Related to the mythical, lost kingdom of Atlantis, asteroid Atlantis can also talk about excessive pride or hubris that leads to a downfall, as well as extinction, cultural snobbery, a sense of imminent doom, expiation; use of karma to rationalize events. you are too nice to admit you dont remember someone as well. One of the questions our researchers have been asking is: Is there a correlation between the placement of an asteroid in a birth chart and the way that God responds presents to the owner of that birth chart. you are like a wealth of social activity and knowledge. #astrology on Tumblr Latest sussysluttyscorpio Follow Random Astrology Observations Part-10 (Mini Edition) (Above picture does not belong to me) (Please take only what reso n ates) ~ Mars opposite Mars in synastry: one being hella dominant and other being hella submissive. But the true fulfillment of the worship of Vesta is the recovery of human value, and the steady watch over the inward need of all life to be approached in a spirit of surrender and responsive beholding of what is truly there. It can tell you what you naturally shine at and what makes you shine compared to others. Example of famous people who have asteroid Luda (1158) prominent in their chart : Marilyn Monroe has asteroid luda conjunct her sun in a 2 orb and conjunct her mercury in a 1 orb. Planets and asteroids in astrology are a fantastic way to connect with mythology. but have no fear as long as your aphrodite isnt aspecting zeus or hephaestus (see below), you are more than likely safe from being unwillingly married or immediately unsatisfied in marriage. your voice is likely very soft as well. people with this aspect likely have a darker aesthetic to them (dark clothes, dark hair, etc.). seriously you are the businesswoman who uses her money to buy the pretty things and looks well maintained - like your nails are always done, your hair is on a schedule for highlights, trims, and all that, etc. you may not relate to this goddess like others reading her post do/did. "Adorea" is translated as "spelt." In astrology, there are a few interpretations of Adoriea, but adoration or recognition are at the core of each. you are likely very emotional/expressive to those around you. As the name suggests the Asteroid "Talent" shows us where in our lives we may excel or have talents in. people probably know your every move on social media as well. but hey you are the one people come to for advice about love and romance because you have fabulous intuition when it comes to all things intimate. aphrodite-chiron: you may have issues with how you look and self-image issues - you are your biggest critic. Unending suffering and struggle. but your opinion and style are highly regarded - people come to you for the harsh truth or recommendations (books, music, movies, all included). However with asteroids one must be careful not to give them too much weight in a natal chart. To pass the Vesta test, one must learn how to free up ones mind and life forces from the tyranny of quantitative reasoning. Wisdom, creative intelligence, healing, genius qualities, masculine energy, how you make difficult decisions, how you temper instincts with reason, strategy you use to navigate new environments, strategy in life, intellectual alertness, relationship with fathers, Ceres- Earth mother, food, cooking, nutrition, gardening, how you feel nurtured, how you nurture others, where you easily provide love and comfort, depth of love, natural world, rhythm of reasons, womanhood, fertility, parenting, reproduction, attachment in relationships, self-care, relationship with mothers, Vesta- Daughter of Saturn, association with Virgo and Leo, weaker in Libra or Pisces. definitely the jealous lover in the romantic realm just like this goddess of love is. Im sure according to Narcissus, Ive saved the best for last. 7328 Casanova your flirting style 3989 Odin your personal power 76 Freya your gift of sorcery 1388 Aphrodite your brand of beauty 1862 Apollo the talents that make you beam 80 Sappho your poetic side 42 Isis your caring side 1923 Osiris how you regenerate 2598 Merlin your magical skill you look at others drama and you analyze it knowing how you would solve it in a very logical manner. Themes here include: always out of reach, never getting what you want, testing others, taunting others, nearly having it, temptation without satisfaction. Casanova. aries (1, 13, 25): you may have a magnetic personality that is unforgettable. you may also be hypnotic in the way you walk or have a very relaxing way of speaking - there is something peaceful about you. aphrodite-hephaistos (2212): positive aspects: you can see the beauty in ugliness or the positive in situations where others would feel trapped. ASTEROIDS RELATED TO FAME: #37117 Narcissus - Vanity and Attractiveness #1862 Apollo - Attractiveness and Worship The sword of Damocles is quite well known as an expression: in short, it encapsulates the danger that rulers/leaders live with as a by-product of their power. though pre-warning your relationships may be a bit rocky (maybe even divorce worthy) - there is such a thing as too much alike. Nota Bene: its possible this myth has been twisted, and many people note that in some versions of the myth Persephone willingly went into the Underworld with the dark and sexy Pluto. Just wanted to pop in because I was doing some astrology research with black moon Lilith that you may find interesting. Also, the 12th house is where spirit guides reside. However, of you have children, there will be a free flow of communication about everyday matters, children and food. Example of famous people who have asteroid Luda (1158) prominent in their chart:. This doesnt have to be a bad asteroid whatsoever, as Ive seen it prominently placed in the charts of journalists and researchers, as an example. you could be a social media influencer as well and make pretty good money from it. He was the son of Saturn and a sea-nymph. but in all seriousness you like 2h aphrodites have quite a bit in common you love a good gym routine - your health is everything to you. This retrograde began on July 11th. Asteroid Adrastaeia can show those who do not leave abusive situations, or, can show moments and traumas where we were unable to escape, as in the case of abusive childhoods. Being forced to do the same thing over and over. you likely have great style - very iconic and elegant. Persephone (aka Proserpina) is attached to her mother Ceres they are the best of friends and completely inseparable. He asked his father if he could drive the chariot of the sun but when he took the reigns things span out of control rather quickly. you likely have one particular cosmetic you cant leave home without because its critical to your survival (my mother has 2h aphrodite and for her, its burts vanilla beeswax lip balm (yes, it has to be that exact brand and flavor lol); she get really ticked off if she cant find it, lmao 10/10 would lie down and die in a zombie apocalypse if she ran out). Ambushes can be psychological as well as physical. many people likely find you dramatic and a bit childish when its important you not be. okay :/). how do they know you? (been there, I just wanted to follow someone in each of my classes in case I got sick so I got notes - wasnt even malicious, he just sat behind me lmfao)). you always have a plan for what you want long term and ultimately that is power - you may like the ares type of partner because its an equal match of power hunger. Moira may show negative karma in a chart or a very fated life. aphrodite-ASC: positive aspects: super gorgeous, you are probably in the spotlight in the best way possible. Pholus- small start of a major event, turning point, situation involving three generations at a time, curing certain addictions, something that happens and you cant get ahold of it, the catalyst, Sedna- ultimate freedom of spirit, tendency to fall victim to our own vulnerability, deceit, betrayal, isolation, aloofness, inaccessibility, having too high an opinion of oneself, aloofness, arrogance, refusal to grow, Chariklo- Wife of Chiron, the wounded healer. Being in love but being ignored. scorpio (8, 20): you are super alluring to all those around you - *joe goldberg voice* they just want to know who you are. you may even be the type of person that helps your kid when they run to you in a very final and known way (you right, mom, help). you dont tend to go for extreme looks but rather the understated ones. aphrodite-MC: positive aspects: everyone knows you in the best way possible. Niobe loses her entire family. aphrodite-neptune: please dont think you arent pretty enough. Since Loki is everywhere so many of us have had encounters with Loki, we took a quick poll: Desperate, senseless romances. you may also be prone to sexual exploration - this could surprise your partner as well because you may tell them you would like to try a threesome, sex club, or something they may find unconventional to a relationship. People with strong Charis are artist. The myth of Tantalus is pretty full-on. negative aspects: you are likely viewed as just a sex object with no brain by women around you. otherwise, you may have been very pretty your whole life (even if you dont realize it yet). In your natal chart if it's conjunct or tightly aspecting your personal planets, vertex/anti-vertex, and/or angles you have a lot of potential to be a star. ASTEROIDS RELATED TO FAME: #37117 Narcissus - Vanity and Attractiveness #1862 Apollo - Attractiveness and Worship you are also very prone to being curvy. you are just as strong as any of these other placements, never think anything different - no need to tear other women down (women should support other women - we are not each others enemies naturally). Atropos as a theme has a relationship to endings of all kinds: relationships, business, death, accidents, and illness. you are super charming to those around you one wink and youll have people swooning or plotting how to start a conversation with you or get your number. you may have a closer-knit group that I would likely classify as a cult or clique (lol there is no in-between). interesting asteroids to look up in your natal chart,, 1862 Apollo the talents that make you beam, 9499 Excalibur how to find your breakthrough, 6123 Aristotle how you break your delusions, 5450 Sokrates your conversational skill. Soul, mind, inner self, where you have the ability to transform, blossoming into a person who can love and be loved, self actualization, raising consciousness, totality of self, integration. Nice having a title and all, but surely not ones first choice. or you may have a routine post-sex - pee, shower, change the sheets, and something warm (idk why a am receiving that part as part of your routine but i am lol). there is also a likelihood that you may not be as aware of those around you - this love goddess tended to only focus on her and her situation disregarding those around her :/ you may have to work harder than other placements to place yourself in other peoples shoes. your relationships may be extremely well balanced too - its like its meant to be. or you may have not had much interest in dating and thus delayed it. aphrodite-anchises (1173): positive aspects: you may be an incredible actress and can seduce others into loving you based on who they believe you are based on the role you act out. The retrograde is in Aries. Asteroid Pythia is a main belt asteroid as discovered on the 18 December 1897, its orbital period 3.6 years. you are likely pretty tall (its all in those legs - get it :p) with hair that is super thick! Pythia in Astrology There are a few themes there, the most obvious being the talent for divination, but also the reputation of delirious ranting that goes with it. *all of these observations are based on a natal chart - solar return and persona charts will change all these observations because the context is different*. it could indicate a female dominant family as well. you could be a bully towards these women - in the cattiest of ways. This is where asteroid Damocles can come in. Grief at losing a child, sterility, sleeplessness, trauma, PTSD, intense jealousy from other women, vampires (Lameia sucks the lifeblood out of young men). its all in the gaze for you - it is haunting in a way that people could be blindfolded and still imagine and feel the intensity of your gaze just after one occurrence of feeling the real thing. leo (5, 17, 29): you have a way of standing out to those around you - its a combo of everything your energy, your manner of speaking, your style - everything draws people in (queue the edward cullen speech from twilight)! Asteroids Cheat Sheet. what do you want? you may be incredibly wise from your time devouring culture and experiencing the world - many people come to you for advice. Can show healing, wellness if aspected positively. plus lets not forget orbs matter, dominance matters, etc. Lameia had affairs with Zeus, and many children from him. together you will help each other reach the top. Triggered where Juno is in the chart, place of potential power and empowerment but issues with balance of power, infidelity, and betrayal. but lets face it you dont ever let yourself go in fact i ask that you take more time to rest! The word or name "Luda" means "Love of the people".. If you are ND and find this post offensive I will take it down. or hey confront your significant other face to face - youll be able to sniff out a lie. you may also have a very aesthetically pleasing home - its probably very light, bright, and glamorous (your dream home may be on a beachfront)!
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