Rush the focus tree until you will do "Expand to the Suez" focus. Turn off Together for Victory and Man the Guns - this will allow you to leave Allies instantly. When they reach the required level, establish monarchism in Poland. The "Notes" column lists helpful short tips/strategies. Concentrate on civilian factories. If going the Balkan Federation route, a country will flip above 60% communist support, Romania and Greece are particularly important to get on your side. The naval invasion will be ready in seven days, and your navy with. If you like it, I would very much appreciate if you'd follow me on Spotify. If they do, just give it away. You can grab a couple of provinces in the northwest early, but don't be too aggressive. Easier if the Nationalist are weakened by the Carlist rebellion. Once you reach around ~40% support you can "Ignite the Flames" and will be able to win the civil war rather easily as Stalin's Russia is weakened greatly. The only countries that have to be at least partially controlled by the player (or in their faction) is Gibraltar, Spain, France, Siam and Malaya. There really needs to be a better mechanic for stalemates or peace deals that "freeze" the frontline based on the states you currently control. As South Africa, finish the A King for our People focus and take Jerusalem. The UK will accept to send the 51 divisions you need if they have ~160 divisions, you can send them some of your own troops as expeditionary forces to get them past that number. Civil war or lend leasing to your overlord are the typical examples. If China falls you can alone keep Japan away at the border and look out for Siam because it can turn Fascist by Japanese Focus. This achievement requires Hong Kong and Guangzhouwan to be taken in a peace deal. Remember that to capitulate Vichy, you also have to take the part of victory points that Vichy France has in Nort -Africa. If that still isn't enough, conquer Germany and Italy, puppet Italy and satellite all of Italy's African territories as puppets (if Poland capitulated to Germany during the war, satellite them as well), and take the focus Disunite Germany to gain more puppets. After that pick "Towards the new Europe" branch. Make a railroad from Gibraltar to Singapore. Annexing the US may help industrially and the Send in the Zombies focus may help with the recruitable population. This is best done in a run where the emperor stays thanks to the massive boost to compliance gain that the "Elect of God" focus grants. Finally, since you asked and got military access to both Germany and Italy during your war with the Soviets, you can simply walk some divisions into Italy and have them sit in one of the required states. West Germany or East Germany will not count, even if you puppet both. Basically I like to play as minor countries and see how much of a wrench I can throw in the greater chaos of WWII. If everything done correctly, you can get this achievement by 1942. warsaw_liberated_self_flag gets set if resistance hits 90 in a. There's a fairly common mechanic in hex and counter games for the US to pull out of the European war, even the Pacific in some cases, if things get too hairly. But it shouldn't be more than 2 or 3 that do so. Keep going down the focus and complete Convene with The Grand Council. Since you have taken the Believe, Obey, Fight focus, you should be able to hire Dino Grandi as advisor. The way In which hoi4 determines majors is strange, all the countries that start as majors are permanently majors, unless they dont exist. Invade USA through the South, ignore Mexico for the time being. This does mean you are allowed to puppet the Soviets in a peace deal and then have them as part of a faction. ago. Declare war, remove all your forces from Guatemala and wait for it to capitulate. Paras might work, but it's really not necessary. The key to getting this achievement is Vichy(/Free) France. At least 10 Carriers. 8/10 times the German Military Junta wins that war (1/10 they lose and 1/10 the civil war lasts for years). Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Dropped a Nuclear Bomb on a core state of the US, Control all French states in Europe For best results, complete the "Work with the bund" and "Recruit the Free Corps" national focuses. As Germany, turn France fascist and occupy Danzig without going to war with France. Relocating transport planes to your faction airfield will require sending other planes first, so make sure to send some fighters. Call in the USSR to get naval supremacy in the Black Sea and naval invade the province. what is the rarest hoi4 achievement - 82. Send each one to a different coastal province of France, the ten closest to Belgium. Author, speaker, filmmaker. To trigger the civil war do not arrest the king and go down the focus "The Right to Rule". AboutPressCopyrightContact. how do you recommend invading the Netherlands without provoking the french? Is fascist If you are really struggling and tension is low enough (below 25%) invade Ireland first. As Bulgaria capitulate Turkey while also controlling the rest of the Balkans, including Greece. IIRC, whoever kills the most of the capitulating country is the country that is surrendered to. Can also be done very easily with Man The Guns, if Historical AI Focuses are turned off, since the United Kingdom may take the Revisit Colonial Policy branch of its focus tree containing the focus 'Withdraw from Contested Territories' which will give Gibraltar to Spain for free along with it becoming a core state. Have your infantry secure the Maginot Line, convert all non-infantry units you control to the starting Panzer Division, and take Army Innovations to gain 10 XP (use said XP to add 2 more motorized units to the Panzer Division template) - optionally take Treaty with the USSR for early Medium Tanks if you plan on doing more than just this achievement. Do not declare independence through the focus as the USSR would declare war on you, ask the USSR for Eastern Poland back and they should accept. Justify and declare war on Poland to gain a border with Germany. Puppet France (this will flip them to fascist) after capitulating them, and then capitulate the UK. This will at least temporarily increase resistance by 30% and activate a rebellion, even if the Resistance Target for that state is less than 90%. Occupy at least one space from Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa, and then capitulate Canada (if you want to also get the Raj at this point, feel free to declare on them as well; if Pakistan has spawned, wait for them to White Peace with India before declaring on them, since they won't join the Commonwealth of Nations while at war with another member; like with the other 3 dominions, just occupy one tile each of Burma, India, and Pakistan). If you train regular forces and raise the special forces cap through Focus and Research you can easily make 9-10 units around '42/'43, Move them to Malta, make a paradrop order on Rome, and click execute. For your focusses: The Castle -> Prepare for the Inevitable -> Resistance Industries -> Exile Industries -> The Sanitation Right -> The Sanitation Left down to A New King in the Castle -> Local Western Plans and then economic focusses for more factories/resources. You should be producing medium tanks at this point but I've found much greater success using light for anything before 1940. It is not required to have Joseph Stalin as the current leader. While you take the decisions to boost fascism in Finland go for "Develop Natural Resources" and "Invest in Baltic Trade". requires the Assertiveness Sub-branch of the focus tree, The Soviet Union is a subject of Mexico. If you are playing without. Since Spain and Portugal will be at peace for at least the beginning of the liberation, it may be challenging to increase resistance to the 90% point of rebellion. Simply go down and complete a focus which puts Peter in charge, such as End the Regency. Oddly enough, the game doesn't seem to care about paradrops or casualties during the war, so even if you go to war with USSR over the partitioned Polish territories, you'll still get the achievement once the war is won. Next go for "Empower Finnish Militants" and "National Pride Marches in Finland". The below list groups the various achievements by a difficulty level as assessed by the wiki editors (uncategorized - UC - achievements haven't been assessed yet). Open console command. Don't pick a focus yet. Replace the templates of your 16 stack army with the 16-width Engineer & Anti-air and the 2 24 armies with the 16-width with Engineers. If you like it, I would very much appreciate if you'd follow me on Spotify. cigankole 5 hr. As the Soviet Union under Stalin, conquer Germany while suffering less than 1 million casualties total. Now you should be able to take the decision to form the Roman Empire. CrasuMOD 4 yr. ago. Get to Paris as soon as you can and hold it for a few days, just ensure you have infantry to move in behind your tanks (leg infantry is honestly fine). The focus "Reintegrate the Railroads" has a hidden effect that increases the chance of a peaceful annexation. Once S-A and Yemen are no more, prepare for war with the Allies. Take the Move to Secure the Dominion focus as soon as you switch communist, and start justifying on the Philippines, since that won't raise WT by much but still make sure the US gets involved. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. If the Soviets get Bessarabia, you won't be able to get it. In this article, there are 3 types of brackets used within commands: Regular brackets as in instantconstruction (ic) are used to show aliases, alternate names for the console commands. Once they complete it and the Central Powers faction exists you should be able to join that faction (unless you are somehow still democratic). Due to Vichy France's large colonial holdings, you will have over 24 states after annexing them in the peace deal. After the civil war ends save up 190 political power to justify on Denmark and Norway then cancel justification on Denmark and redo it, this will give you concurrent war goals to avoid them getting guaranteed by the UK, while this is happening devote your spy agency to first 'Propaganda' in Finland and then once the civil war is over switch to 'Boost Ideology' to get ready for a Fascist coup. As far as I'm aware starting majors can lose their major status, just not at war, that means that if you take half of their land and puppet the rest of the country they will lose it, but not if you just puppet them as the number of factories in their territory remains the same. Rush the monarchist focus tree, you need "Avenge Waterloo" focus. You have to go for "Restoration of Austria-Hungary" Focus Tree and have to have a navy so it is a perfect match to do with "Better than the Szent Istvn" achievement. Successfully forming the Imperial Federation with the United States as part of it, can make this a lot easier, as you gain a lot more manpower, resources and industry. And to activate scorched earth in all provinces/states you're going to lose to the Germans. Justify to retake core state on Sinkiang. Information, Frequently Asked Don't develop any political branch in national focus tree. As China, puppet and then annex Yunnan and Guangxi Clique. Again, avoid direct fights with enemies if you can. As Egypt, go from puppet to a free nation using the autonomy system. Yes cavalry. You can also complete "The Abuna" focus to get an advisor that slightly increases legitimacy gain. Wait until Germany declares war on Poland. An easy strategy is to go down the God Save the King path, and after defeating the United States, go after France (as you went off the rails, Czechoslovakia will always refuse to give up Sudetenland; if you do Pre-Empt the Ideological Threat and Expose the Belly of the Bear while fighting the US, you'll be able to justify, and since the US is a major, you can quickly justify on France and another country - Luxembourg is a good choice; don't justify on Mexico, Japan, the USSR, or Germany, since you can get war goals on those countries through events or focuses). Give the fighters air superiority missions over an American air zone, assign the bombers to that air zone then without unpausing, declare war on the Philippines. #Hoi4 Germany #speedrun guide with commentary to beat Hearts of Iron 4 in december of 1936. Leave Allies justify war on UK (or if possible join Axis) and attack them from behind. After taking Austria, go down the civil warpath and then follow down the democratic side of the focus tree. Once capitulated you will be the only member of the Comintern. The column denotes achievements which can't be completed without the use of DLC mechanics (currently 79 out of 171). Great powers are supposed to lose that attribute if other nations gain ground and exceed them in numbers, as the number of great powers is limited to 6 (or 7, it was written in the code). When the war starts focus in the south on securing Aden and in the north on conquering Northern Egypt (ports and Suez Canal). Remove your divisions from Eritrea and/or Somaliland (keeping your ports for maximum efficiency) and lay mines with your starting navy until you reach 1000 mines. After that go to decisions tab and start using "Support anti-British resistance" options, which are available on the map - first do that in Tanganyika then in other required provinces. Whilst the achievement toolbox doesn't mention it, but you need the Turkish territories in Balkans for it to trigger. As Haile Selassie, declare yourself King of Kings and control Kenya and Tanzania. Also helps that if you decide to do around Maginot you attack Netherlands and luxembourg first but not Belgium, then after you capitulate both you attack Belgium. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Bulgaria: Regency Council is the current country leader Sweden has a larger fleet than you but will regularly dock it giving you enough superiority to launch. Deploy it in Athens after the war starts and take all victory points to quickly end the civil war. Simply follow the "Swiss Cheese" or "and you get a canton, everybody gets a canton!" As the opposer of Stalin, you can get millitary access from those countries during civil war. Send this operative again, and wait for him/her to get captured for the second time. As Germany in a 1939 start, occupy all of Poland and France without taking more than 475 casualties. Increase your legitimacy whenever its available through decisions by throwing parties and lobbying for support. Now begin preparing for war with Denmark and Norway by sitting one or two units to attack the Danish strait and sending around four units behind them with a naval invasion from the north, after justifying, expand conscription and follow the collectivist tree to be able to produce a large amount of cavalry to hold the Norwegian line. The faction does not need be the Axis, but it must be led by Germany. After the white peace, focus on doing infiltrations and building up your army to take on the Nationalists. For the achievement, it doesn't matter if they'll capitulate, only that you have at least 13 African Nations from the list in your faction. Can be done in a historical playthrough, but it easiest to achieve when Germany goes Oppose Hitler. Train up at least 72-96 troops (because of the US's starting conscription and economic laws, if tension isn't high enough, the US won't have a lot of troops by 1938), and also 10 cavalry divisions to secure the Alaskan-Canadian Border (Imperial Conscription + going to Extensive Conscription, as well as taking Reassess Continental Commitments should give you more than enough manpower). Join. And you should have this achievement in no time. With this, you should have no problem overrunning the country with either infantry or cavalry. BlocTa 3 mo. While waiting for this its advisable to head down to Agrarian Reform to pacify the peasants, after Karl Albrecht is king you can continue to "Support monarchism in Czechoslovakia" which gives you decisions to press your claim on them allowing you to annex them. How to get France to capitulate while playing as Germany, in - Quora when pushing back a naval invasion. Once you declare war on Germany and Italy is called in, the achievement you should trigger after no more than 7 in-game days. But since you only need to occupy the land it isn't a big problem if they join a faction. It will be easier to push into Germany when they are distracted by Poland and Czechoslovakia, but you do not need them to survive so don't fret if they capitulated. Contents 1 Land warfare 2 Naval warfare 3 Air warfare 4 Capitulation and defeat 4.1 War participation 4.2 Peace conference 5 Volunteers and expeditionary forces 5.1 Volunteers 5.1.1 Air Volunteers With Mao as your leader, win the Chinese Civil War. Play as the United Kingdom, as they can release about 40 nations as puppets through their national focus tree. Then, position your army along the Canadian border, and make sure to train lots of 10w 1 unit cavalry brigades, since the US cannot man their entire border with their starting army and the cavalry can simply overrun their entire country with the US not being able to do much to stop it. If you wish to continue playing and get another achievement (Stalin, How Many Guns Does He Have), you can use the war goal you get from Time for War to declare war on the USSR and join Germany's attack. Guarantee Finland as the USSR justifies a war goal on them. Allies win by '41/'42. If you defeated Poland before civil war breaks out and the Allies failed to take it back, in another word, it is occupied by Germany after you declare on Germany, you will even have a peace conference to partition Poland. Either send own divisions to conquer Qingdao or wait until Japan does it for you. Kick the Italians out of Albania and if you get an opening, try launching a naval invasion at Italy and capitulate them to get more war score. An easy way to trigger the uprising as Soviet Union: Is faction leader