He asked. At the meeting, Blister gave Burn a box with two dragonbite vipers inside. Theyll be lost there forever. One RainWing mentioned a patch of ice near the Bayan Tree after Moon suggested signs; Glory and Winter prepared to leave, along with Moon and Qibli. Kestrel didn't like RainWings in general, and would often call Glory a "lazy RainWing", even though Glory trained and studied harder than the other dragonets. She and Clay also seem to hold almost no grudge for their attempted murder by him. For a short amount of time while Glory was a prisoner in a NightWing lab, Deathbringer was Clay's prisoner in the rainforest. Despite thinking that Wren was a dream until she stabbed him, Deathbringer then flew her to Burn's stronghold so she could save. At first, Glory doubted her abilities, but when Tamarin won the flower hunt in the RainWing queen challenge, she began to see that she was a skilled dragonet, despite her blindness. Unwilling to do the job herself, she appointed Glory as an investigator. As the others were still unconscious, Jambu and Liana explained the purpose of sun time to Glory, and Starflight reassured her that he would watch over her while she slept. Glory was originally imprisoned by Scarlet and treated as an artwork throughout most of The Dragonet Prophecy. Very reassuring indeed. She also helped to dig up Oasis's grave to get the Eye of Onyx and the other lost SandWing treasure. [] I know youd rather sleep than deal with problems, but these dragons are from your tribe, and they need you. Queen Glory of the RainWings. Despite finding Deathbringer's need to protect her sometimes exhausting, Glory seems to care for him as well, even to the point of talking to him affectionately. Tamarin seemed confident in front of Glory when she said that maybe she could not do the flower challenge, with Kinkajou later stating that Tamarin had the best nose in the whole kingdom. She does not like that Glory loves him, too, since he once specifically tried to assassinate her. After finding her and telling her, he asked about Kinkajou, and Glory told him she was in the healer's hut, and gave directions. Silver reminded her of Sunny in a way. After they returned to the rainforest, Glory and Tsunami decided to spend the night in the same tree as the night before (Glory thought that Tsunami's night vision might be useful). When Sunny returned, she explained her capture and how she had finally met her mother, Thorn. You weren't trying to kill us at all. Don't be seen. I find it really cute on how Deathbringer kind of tries to flirt with Glory even at times they are in an important situation I just find it really cute. Good age for a boyfriend? Glory was indirectly mentioned by Tsunami in the prologue, when Tsunami said she and her friends had solved plenty of problems without animus magic. There was a young RainWing in her cell, who introduced herself as Kinkajou. Maybe you know. Absolutely no need for any of us at all? She's not a good queen. Although it does not show his direct feelings on the matter, Clay presumably does not object to Deathbringer loving Glory, like Sunny. entertwining their tails together Glory turned and pulled out the nest. Is that all I'm good for all any RainWing is good for? In Escaping Peril, Sunny says "Glory has magical death spit and Deathbringer and a whole army of RainWings who would die for her." Glory was the only other dragon that knew of Moon's powers besides Moon's friends and mother. He turned his head back down to look at the egg. Despite his best efforts, Deathbringer could not wake Quickstrike up. [49] Glory grew angry for Silver's sake after Magnificent scared her in order to win her round. While the item is still viewable and can be worn on one's avatar if they own it, it is no longer obtainable. "Queen Glory I have seen much of the future and the only thing I remember is that you have an egg." That'll be my name in the history scrolls not Glory the mistake, or Glory the lazy RainWing, or Glory who could never be as good as some nameless SkyWing who died six years ago. She turned so she was facing him. After the events of the NightWing Exodus, Glory became queen of both the NightWing and RainWing tribes. In Winter Turning, Deathbringer is constantly trying to protect Glory and muttering to the queen when she says she does not need help. [18], He was described by Glory to be an "overenthusiastic bodyguard. This is purely fan-made, but it is funny Chapter One Deathbringer took deep breaths to prepare for what he was about to do. I'll make them us a tribe we can be proud of. to the RainWings, about invading the NightWing island. Jambu explained that they were rendered unconscious with blow darts and would wake up soon. Clay insisted that they abandon their plans to travel to the Mud Kingdom and meet his family until they found Glory again; Glory then realized that Clay would never want her to leave, and revealed that she had not run away. Glory and Deathbringer's Egg8. Deathbringer (Wings of Fire) Glory (Wings of Fire) Clay (Wings of Fire) Peril (Wings of Fire) Turtle (Wings of Fire) Kinkajou (Wings of Fire) Anemone (Wings of Fire) Tamarin (Wings of Fire) Blister (Wings of Fire) Morrowseer (Wings of Fire) Riptide (Wings of Fire) Tsunami (Wings of Fire) Starflight (Wings of Fire) Fathom (Wings of Fire) When Clay met his mother, Cattail, they found out that she had sold his egg to the Talons of Peace for at least two cows, and therefore did not care about him at all. Jan 4, 2023 - Glory is a female RainWing who is in a relationship with a NightWing dragonet named Deathbringer. She resides in the RainWing village, and is currently in a relationship with Deathbringer. . They both walked out of the hut and Glory flew off to go to sun time. "DEATHBRINGER!! Glory moved so she was covering the egg a little more. Your instinct told you to get the rest of us out of our shells. Threeway With Sunny and Adine (Wings_of_Fire), Dragon Lust In The Woods Messy (Wings_of_Fire), Darkstalker x Clearsight x Beetlewing (Wings_of_Fire), Skywing Mounts A Leafwing (Wings_of_Fire), Skullreaper and Dawnbringer (Wings_of_Fire), Intertribal Tensions, page 10 (Wings_of_Fire), Going For A Little Ride alt (Wings_of_Fire), Breeding In Warm Waters alt (Wings_of_Fire), Nightwing Mounts a Seawing (Wings_of_Fire), Darkstalker's Alternative Ending (Wings_of_Fire), Between Pineapple and Jambu (Wings_of_Fire), Seawing and Sandwing 69 alt (Wings_of_Fire), Not So Subtle Present alt (Wings_of_Fire), Darkstalker and Clearsight (Wings_of_Fire). In this, two dragons mixed their venom, and if one diluted the other one the two dragons are related. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! She spotted a black dragon, hoping that it was Mangrove camouflaging himself, but then he breathed out fire. He explained that the RainWing tribe did not have a family system and that RainWing dragonets were raised by the entire tribe. If I ever find someone else to care about, I will not let my mission come first. Assassin. She finds out more about the RainWings being imprisoned in the islands while trapped there. You had no idea my egg was missing at all. When Darkstalker visited the Rainforest Kingdom, he challenged Glory for kingship over the NightWing tribe. After the first wave of RainWings knocked the tunnel's guards out, Glory took Starflight with her to one of the RainWings' cages so that he could show her how to unlock them. Glory, the queen who chose her own destiny, saved her subjects and turned her tribe into the greatest dragons in all of Pyrrhia. Deathbringer from Wren's perspective in Dragonslayer is called Murderbasket, as she could not translate his name correctly. Once the dragonets arrived at the Summer Palace, Glory and the others were locked up in one of Coral's caves while Tsunami explored the palace. Don't let him win. Around midnight, they heard loud stamping, sniffing, and snorting. At its peak, it was probably the most popular ship of the Wings of Fire series, but it has since dwindled, most likely due to controversy. Jambu refused as he found politics boring. Glory is on neutral terms with Peril. In another part of the book, Moon suggests that they "Try Deathbringer" to see if he knows where a certain mountain is that will help them find Hailstorm. I can't do this here. He stated that he could not live without her. However, SkyWing soldiers began attacking the Summer Palace with dragonflame cacti and flaming logs. Glory was overjoyed when Clay came to rescue her from the NightWing island. [24] She has a steely ferocity about her,[25] and Deathbringer described her as reckless. A diamond mine, perhaps. When Glory returned to their camp and explained her encounter, the other guessed that Mangrove was hiding in Blaze's fortress. He even put his wing around Glory and she let him, which is somewhat unusual given her personality. Starflight and Deathbringer have a slightly complicated relationship. The two of them meet at the beginning of Book 3, The Hidden Kingdom, when Glory is disguised as an IceWing. Are you serious? Queen Snowfall's Eggs13. tip: lex m/m (mature OR explicit). His eyes widened and looked back from Glory to her. She turned her head expecting to see Deathbringer but instead saw Moonwatcher. She scooted it over in front of Deathbringer. An example of this was in The Brightest Night where they shared their exasperation over Blaze's shallow nature, or when they were making fun of NightWings in The Hidden Kingdom. Glory was in Pineapple's vision. Don't let your rage be the queen of you. You are helping a viper and making her stronger and more poisonous. He agreed to take them to the last place Orchid was seen, which turned out to be beside a huge fallen tree that was relatively near the village. When Glory and Deathbringer first meet and he flirts with her, she is 6 years old. Clay, you know what this means? Since hatching, Glory has shared a strong bond with Clay. [] I probably have a day or two before thebefore my work can begin. Even if she did have a crush on him, it is unknown if Clay ever felt the same way. "You called for me." The egg. Sunny was kept inside the castle in a cage while they were in the Sky Kingdom, though Peril mentioned that she was well-cared for. [] Mystery dragon! Glory soon decides to purposely bait the kidnappers into catching her and bringing her back to their island; Deathbringer tries to convince her not to, but she ties his snout closed with vines and does it anyway. He also makes sure Glory takes her daily sun time, noting that it makes her less grumpy and more recharged. When Battlewinner emerged, Starflight told her that she was never going to make it to the rainforest alive and that she should give the NightWing tribe to Glory so that they would not share the same fate. Im doing this for the missing RainWings and for you, so that you dont have to spend the rest of your lives looking over your shoulders and thinking, Our friends are still lost . Until you realize that "boyfriend" is 30. No, of course they don't. Glory was unimpressed with him at first and thought of him just as ridiculous and silly as the other RainWings. It is implied that Glory and Deathbringer have feelings for one another, and their romantic relationship has been made officially canon by Tui T. Sutherland. She apparently knew about his crush on Sunny and thought he should do something about it. You will leave the RainWings alone forever. A pair of MudWing soldiers walked by, and the dragonets hid among the fog. There's no destiny, no wings of fire? When the sun rose, all that was left of the dying sloth were a few scraps of fur and blood-spattered leaves. Glory does not like touching other dragons. Kinkajou is shown to be very loyal to her queen and friend. Glory looked mildly annoyed. I'll endanger my own tribe if I have to. Historical: Vigilance, Starflight Fatespeaker Moonwatcher Mightyclaws Mindreader Fearless Bigtail, Deadlyclaws Deathbringer Eclipse Farsight Fierceteeth Mastermind Morrowseer Obsidian Preyhunter Quickstrike Secretkeeper Shapeshifter Slaughter Smokeseer Stonemover Strongwings Vengeance Wisdom, Allknowing Clearsight Discretion Foeslayer Foreseer Jewel-eyes Listener Morrowwatcher Prudence Quickdeath Starclaws Swiftwings Thoughtful Truthfinder Tunesmith Vision, Darkstalker Whiteout Eclipse Fierceclaws Peacemaker Shadowhunter Sunny Firefly Commodore Jewel Orange Tortoiseshell, NightWing island: NightWing tunnels But this will never happen again. wings of fire glory and deathbringer mating. [16], Glory is often depicted as teasing, sarcastic,[17] cross,[18] snide,[19] intelligent, fierce,[20] firm,[21] sniping,[22] and arch. Preferably a bunch of five-year-olds. She may have forgiven him after the events of Winter Turning. Clay was also quick to try and resolve conflicts between Glory and the others, and he is always ready to forgive Glory whenever she has been unfair. Glory realized that she would never get her bonds off before the second guard raised an alarm, so she ordered the first guard to carry them across the lava river. He appears to be one of her most trusted dragons now, even if he is incompetent. A lot of drama has come from dragon ages in this fandom, mostly because the characters arent human and nobody really knows what the age of consent would be for them. There must be more to me. As an apprentice under Quickstrike, he formerly served as an assassin for the NightWings. on the Internet. We are NOT CALLING IT MAGICAL DEATH SPIT. When they first meet, Deathbringer rescues both Glory and Kinkajou, much to Kinkajou's relief. My venom is aimed at your eyes right now and I am not afraid to use it. If you wont go rescue them, who will? After Burn smashed the original SkyWing egg intended for The Dragonet Prophecy and killed its carrier, Hvitur, Webs stole Glory's egg from the Rainforest Kingdom as a last-minute replacement, insisting that they had to have five dragonets for the prophecy. Tell him to meet me at the royal pavilion at Sun time." Sunny, though, found a solution by suggesting that the RainWings use their tranquilizer guns and darts to knock the NightWing guards out, which avoided violence on both sides. There's something different about you. Being careful he picked up the egg and cradled it. Startled, she looked back up and demanded that the attackers show themselves, and a large group of RainWings materialized in front of them. It is also a controversial ship in the series. It's normal to be scared, [] I'm scared. As Glory walked out of her hut, Deathbringer stepped in front of her (his original plan was to pull her to one side. He left, and after they ensured that Blaze was safe, the dragonets, Mangrove, and Jambu headed for home. Near the tree, there was an unnaturally shaped mound of dirt, which contained a bloodied and frozen NightWing. In the time that Starflight was trapped on the NightWings' volcano, he found a dreamvisitor, which he used to contact Glory in a dream to warn her that the NightWings were planning something. "What is it?" she asked. Confronting him, he explained that he was waiting for "a few someones" and was on a secret NightWing mission. Glory scolded Deathbringer for arresting the wrong IceWing-"Deathbringer, I am seriously going to fire you as my bodyguard if you can not tell the difference between a male IceWing traveling with my friends Moon and Kinkajou and a lone female IceWing out to get me"and claimed to punish him "creatively and firmly." They found and asked Mangrove for details on Orchid's disappearance. Glory is one of five protagonists whose tribe has only one book. Glory is an adult female RainWing and the main protagonist of The Hidden Kingdom. Because Burn is bigger and scarier and could crush her like a bug if they actually fought claw to claw, [] And Blister that's me is smarter than both of them put together. As they tracked a sickly-smelling trail, the four arrived at a small waterfall where a dying sloth lay, the apparent source of the smell. Winter then thinks to himself that Glory had been one of the dragons who had confirmed that the NightWings had no more powers. That's what it was! Sunny does not trust Deathbringer as much as Glory does, and she does not quite seem to understand why Glory trusts him so much. Firefly and Amethyst themselves do not have any NightWing powers. He later accompanied Glory and the others when they flew to the royal pavilion. While spying, Deathbringer finds out that Quickstrike is going to the continent, and wants to bring Deathbringer with her to train in the real world. She disguised herself as an IceWing named Storm, and Jambu as another IceWing named Penguin, claiming to be sent by Queen Glacier. ", Tempest asks all the dragons on the beach to lay down their weapons. [3] He is heavier than Winter and has clearly been trained to fight based on the way he stands and assesses others. Deathbringer was also one of the dragons who helped hold Clay down while Peril burned out the poison from his leg. Knocking came at the door. Her egg. They sneak inside and start knocking out the guards. Jambu lowered into a mocking bow then flew of through the trees before Glory could do anything. explaining why Blaze isn't queen when the SandWings like her. Its not because I want the biggest pieces of fruit or the highest sun platform. Clay leads the RainWings to the exit and fends of the NightWing guards, while Deathbringer leads the pursuing NightWings away from them. He looked up tears flicking at his eyes. It definitely wasn't as tense between the tribes as it was the day the volcano blew. She also hated Glory because she was a last-minute substitute for the broken SkyWing egg. Deathbringer sits on Winter when he goes to the rainforest, claiming that Winter is a threat to Queen Glory. Deathbringer is an adult male NightWing and the main protagonist of Assassin. As Glory and the others were fleeing, Crocodile, the MudWing that led the troops to the Summer Palace, confronted them. Though unnamed, when Kestrel came into the cave roaring at them, she slid into a nook in the wall. This is the destiny I was supposed to have. Inside, Glory was tied up with a strange peice of metal in her mouth. While discussing what to do next, Glory and the others saw a SkyWing air patrol scouting the area, probably looking for the dragonets themselves. [] But it's interesting, isn't it? He had gotten in trouble with Kestrel because it was not a SkyWing egg and they supposedly could never complete The Dragonet Prophecy with a RainWing. entertwining their tails together Glory turned and pulled out the nest. THIS WAS SUSPENSE! I'll make them us a tribe we can be proud of. Deathbringer often deliberately provokes Glory because he likes how she shot him down. Oh excellent, thanks, Turtle. [7] She is often considered beautiful[8] and elegant. Theyre tortured and trapped in caves in a horrible place that smells of smoke and death. Glory was also extremely worried when Sunny went missing in The Brightest Night and held her talons in hers when she was found. Kinkajou sees herself as one of Glory's best friends, and Glory sees Kinkajou as one of her favorite subjects. She responds aggressively and he runs away. The others are Clay, Peril. Deathbringer has black scales,[1] eyes, and wings with a glittering spray of[2] scattered, sparkling, silver scales underneath that catch the morning light like trapped stars. She seems to find him a little odd and weird. Starflight asked Jambu and Liana for an audience with Dazzling, but Jambu asked if they would rather see the current queen. Wings of Fire Glory and Deathbringer Cursor Glory is a female RainWing and the former dragonet of destiny from the Wings of Fire fantasy books. I promise." It will be Ice Kingdom territory one day. Loyal to what? He is soon arrested when they find out he was tricking them. The Hidden Kingdom ends here. A single egg lie in the middle. [26] Deathbringer likes her for her personality and how when he suggests something, she shoots him down, which he finds amusing. Yeah, [] It would make more sense if they'd chain you all up in a cave and starve you and ignore you for a day or two and then throw you in prison after you save one of their princesses. They agreed that Starflight would return in the morning with a plan, the strongest vines they could find, and the rest of their friends. Hmmm. I will break any order. "[19] He looked amused rather than repentant after attacking Winter, and Glory mentioned that if Deathbringer turned out to be correct, it would make him insufferable. [20] Despite his confidence, he acts uncomfortable around scavengers.[21]. Pairings, currently:Winter x MoonwatcherQibli x MoonwatcherClay x PerilWinter x QibliTurtle x KinkajouAnemone x Tamarin[RAPE] Winter x Moonwatcher x QibliBlister x MorrowseerRiptide x TsunamiStarflight x ClayFathom x IndigoThorn x SmolderQibli x UmberPike x AnemoneWinter x Moonwatcher x Qibli x Fatespeaker x Starflight x SunnyStarflight x Fatespeaker. Once Glory regained her senses, she felt herself being dragged down a long tunnel. You know, I've never understood what happened to Queen [Oasis], but now I see that scavengers are tiny ferocious mean little monsters, and it all makes sense. Deathbringer told him to only kill dragons if he was going to stay fully committed to that decision. Deathbringers thoughts after Quickstrike is murdered. boeing 767 patriot express. Shipping Wiki is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. Kinkajou sprayed venom between his wings, causing him to release Glory, and then shoved him into a ravine. This horrified Turtle and he accidentally lost control of his enchanted coral, baffling Glory. Out of all the dragonets of destiny, Tsunami seems to like Deathbringer the least, once openly stating to Sunny that she does not trust nor like him.