Which is universal. How to pronounce Atlanta. Whew. We say POKE instead of bag. Falling out- Disagreement I stayed with them and learned how Northern People live I did pick up the Northern Accent and those Northern Words that they use. As for yall, its singular. A bag of frozen water cubes. Run your ass up a tree like a coon We have access roads here too and that is what they are called. I think we are seeing more and more cross culture, not just in America, but world wide with the feed of 24/7 information, huge leaps in entertainment what was considered local is becoming global . There is a reason they call it the dirty south. Thats purdy southern for ya. Ill add a few more. Guess you didnt know Georgia leads the Nation in Yards that have The Ten Commandments in From of Them, (Signs). In Atlanta, the locals dont pronounce the street named in his honor in Spanish. Holy Mother of Sweet Mercy Not just the south east. Im for equality. It just means were different. You are painting the canvas with a very broad brush. This is way over generalized. 0 && stateHdr.searchDesk ? Get an education (,) you inbred morons, we are superior to you.. Accueil; Solution; Tarif; PRO; Mon compte; France; Accueil; Solution; Tarif; PRO; Mon compte 5.) Hopefully, you get something more than a piddling raise from your company this year! Um, sir? In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. And u make no sense when you refer to the yanks as being cold-hearted when really it was the southern racist ways that were cold-hearted. So a lot of southern . My best friend is a gay man and I am a woman. Jesus, Mary, and Dale Earnhardt Jr. Get my smellin salts. See A. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr was not obese, definitely not racist or stupid. Put it out there and the whole world gets to read and reply. It is not your from the north. The phenomenon itself is known as "T-glottalization.". SMU (Dallas)? anywho, how bad do we Northerners get judged for being from the North? You say all Southerns are obese, racist, stupid, and inbred. Why do a lot of Southerners say thew instead of through? I came here out of curiosity and wound up reading so much nonsense. . Is this the special southern hospitality that weve all heard about? how Southerners pronounce the verb "to have" when stressed? Me, again. That's because many southerners use the brand name "Coke" as the generic, "coke," meaning any soft drink. You obviously should seek therapy! I guess her mama never told her dont poke the bear huh. We also like soda, not pop. For example, with the Long vowel /i/ ("ah-ee"), Southerns may shorten it to just ah. Love my country music and grits..but also love the seasons here! Taint/ contraction, joining of two words, that aint Preach on my southern brothers and sisters down south. Click on the arrows to change the translation direction. You resort to guns because you cant use your fist or mind like us. Mash: Southerners dont push things, we mash em. Dont yall be makin fun my southern people. Its culturally Southern and was in the Confederacy. You'll be able to mark your mistakes quite easily. I am in the throes of bringing them back to life. !, Northownstheweaksouth? then again, im from atlanta, so some of these differ where i hail. Elizabeth, YOU *TELL* Marci! And if the south is so bad why is it the northers are still enjoying things southerners invented? However, in times where a flexing the intellect was necessary, we resort to that I have a stick up my ass, and nose held high cause I am properly educated ;)and when we leave, we speak in our native tongue again. It embarrasses me to even be associated with Southerns who are racist and prejudiced. My family uses that saying all the time and were from Pennsylvania.then again my family uses ALOT of southern saying. I am not uneducated, nor am I married to anyone in my family. Secondly, neither of the latter two is a Western state, because the West actually BEGINS!! How about telling an asshole goodbye, Dont let the door bag you in the butt on the way out., I just have a few tidbits to add from Nebraska. Ive been there, nice wind. to southerners, oregon is part of the north, youre a yankee. When I lived up Nawth, I was always treated with hospitality, but I found out that they treated each other with some indignity. Holler if you need me. Have you ever heard of a man named Robert E. Lee? In fact, as per linguist Erik R. Thomas in A Handbook of the Varieties of English, non-rhotic accents once covered a vast territory south of the Mason-Dixon line, stretching to parts of the country we would . I earn good money and own a big beautiful home..I hunt, fish,drive a nice chevy pick up! Oh, and By The Way. Tulane University (New Orleans)? (Well, NEXT season, ANYWAY! (born in Louisiana, raised in Texas), to name just six. Some linguists say that back in the colonial period, there were just two major dialect groups among English speakersNew England and everyone else. Tennessee is the New North. . The southern region is known for several reasons, we have our food, our vernacular, and our traditions. *Communism, Note: Your grammar is atrocious, and I understand that this is mockery, but please, try to be a civilized human being and learn the art of subtlety. I have said Yall all my life as well. Pepsi was INVENTED in NC and is boss. Also, your mom will haunt youeven if she is living.if you do not. By the way, i kinda like joysey accents. : someone who comes to the South and doesnt return back to the North. Im from Wisconsin. True, we get more snowbirds (theres a word for you, means yankee who comes to Florida to ride out winter, then goes back north, or eventually retires and stays here)than other southern states, but leave the cities, and youll be smack dab in the DEEP south! You lost the war for a reason. And by the way everybody who is home grown in the south drops there gs That phrase puts us on the defensive..old ways are hard to change. Sugah for sugar, suppah for . Leave the "h" sound out. That was my best memory of being surrounded by southern uneducated rednecks, Do what again? Somos una revista Mdico Cientifica en el rea esttica dedicada 100% a llevar el conocimiento del estudio a la prctica. I swear, I cannot understand the notions Northern folks have about Southerners. How do Atlantans pronounce Atlanta? And through my observations, its not to different just slight cultural changes. Only the strong can make it through a Northern winter, Have YOU forgotten about the polar vortex breakdowns of the winter of 2013-2014 (especially the latter)? Georgia-born humorist and best-selling author Lewis Grizzard conveyed the ambivalence of many white southerners who embraced the economic and material benefits of Sunbelt prosperity while remaining skeptical and sometimes resentful of some of the social and political changes that accompanied these gains. CLAP-CLAP-CLAP!) Bob Lutz use to run Chrysler and he said his last name rhymes with guts. Polite is never out of style !, havent you? Also, on the homosexual thing, wow. Im 100 percent with her on that. Southerners don't say "you guys"they say "y'all." Shelbyville is pronounced Shovelvull. My spelling is immaculate, Im in all AP classes, Im nonreligious, and I just might be a hell of a lot more decent than you. He was a Bible thumper. Air conditioners and the refrigerator systems were invented by a southern Doctor from Florida, Shipping containers were invented by a southerner and wreckers were also. Im going to go work on my doctorate dissertation now. LET A YANKEE HELP YOU OUT! We lost. reading this from Down Under (Australia). Pepsi is Pepsi. The same author has a method for the Texan accent. Amen June, amen. The South does not have exclusivity on any of these. (22 votes) Very easy. That's because, as a kid in the South, I always hear them referred to as Vie-een-ah sausages. So, so deeply ironic that your attempt at poking fun of southerners is filled with more spelling and grammatical errors than an autistic spastic could produce with their off hand. Church is finally letting out. My mamaw swears that we are related to sissy spacek, which we obviously arent, its apparently a southern thing. Thats not something to be proud of and its a sad day when a country goes to war with itself. Nonetheless, I live in the suburbs and my neighbors are truly Southern in their ways and accents, which I love. The Civil War was not fought by either side over slavery. We have an entirely different dialect than people in Austin or Houston or Dallas. By the way, Im a 14 year old Southern Belle by heart. 2. An old friend of mine always said he could tell if someone was from the south if they knew the definition of one word. When I went to Germany, I had to drop my Southern drawl. I am from Colorado but most of my dad side is from the country side of Texas and my grandfather who has passed away on my momma side from Alabama and her sister is from Mississippi. To say that Texas, Oklahoma and Arkansas are, as you quoted her indirectly saying, not Southern states is not only silly, ***BUT ALSO*** ******IGNORANT******!!!!!! I did an informal Facebook poll of this, and most southerners--and all Atlantans--dropped the 2nd T. Native Atlantans dropped both Ts. I like to (here in Alabama the heart of Dixie)we like to say yonder whether its round the corner or another state we say it all the time. We are stronger, faster, more educated. Im from the suburbs of Richmond and any kind of southern-ness here has become very diluted. Same thing for I-85 in the Carolinas. Yankees rule, btw lets look at some statistics lowest education level, highest illiteracy, highest obesity, highest racism, lowest income, lowest rate of innovation, highest rate of unemployment, highest rate of welfare, highest rate of inbreeding, worst infrastructure, highest rate of ignorance, yup you guessed it all in the south. So, its too difficult to generalize such a massive landmass as being exclusively one way. 3.) To baggage is a knitted winter hat in SC. The reason they always think you want Pepsi is because so many Yankees aint strong enough to drink Coca-Cola. No count. Ive lived in the south my whole life, and I consider myself an intellectual. We have the best education ( IVY LEAGUE, you have none MIT,Harvard, Cornell, Browning,Stanford,Columbia, ETC. The south sucks, poor bunch of scared homosexual, inbred garbage I have ever seen. Great blog! Many Navy and Air Force personel are retired around the area. You are one dumb ass, provinicial Northerner and I come from the North. Even New Jerseys accent gets stereotyped a lot; from time immemorial (especially pre-The Real Housewives of New Jersey), the media has depicted all New Jerseyans as speaking with a New York City accent (probably better known as the Brooklyn accent). We are all Americans now one country under God. Some if these words are a matter of history and not area . Well know youre a Yankee, or that your parents were Yankees, if you say you guys. I came to this sight to learn more about the South, and more about their customs, or common words they might use, since I am technically half. Wow.. Fact-check please, seeing as Atlanta (which is in GEORGIA) is the fastest-growing city in the country. Thank yall How to pronounce Atlanta in English. Lets just say that there are more than a few Southern cities or parts thereof where only the strong survive, number one. the description of that gourmet meal sounds wonderful! Northern AR could possibly belong to a different state, however. I always liked All accents, sayings, and pronunciations are valid and make conversations interesting. Its yall NOT you guys!! are the best your defiantly a god dam yank. However, it's actually pronounced "Ber-nee" like Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders. This is the opinion of a 60 year old white woman, take it for what it is worth. Get started with those helpful lessons: #1 STRATEGY of how to become FLUENT in English https://youtu.be/0V0WeEnsec0 Want to improve your speaking vocabulary? (That school is literally in the same neighborhood as the Centers for Disease Control, by the way! I am from Georiga. I knowd a bunch of North Georgia fold thatd say you were diggin yer own grave. No one does. Hey, Im justa tellin it like it is, Well its easy to see where ELIZABETH comes from, the Windy City shes blowin allot hot air, might neer too big fer her britches, Kristin theres a few more What is the oldest city in Georgia? My family served with distinction in the Cofederate Military as Officers and enlisted and in the Confederate Government. That being said, my entire family are Southerners (parents included) and much of our area of Cincinnati are descended from Southerners who moved to the area for work in the 1960s. So please STOP this hate talk. Bless your heart. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. And YES, there are Southerners that live here! Lolol! I also remember some other relatives using this word, too. The only reason fighting stopped was because General Lee took a good look at the number of casualties and did not want it on his conscience if thousands more died. For example, we lived for 6 years in an area of South Carolina. There are beautiful people everywhere, both North and South. It really feels like English is testing us sometimes. Texas A&M (College Station, TX) UNC? Keep up. You hit the heart of what makes me love the south big hearts and character. Access Road a.k.a. The Union made it plain they fought for the union to be preserved. You cant even get any decent catfish an grits up there. The south is weak, fat, and soft. En cliquant sur Accepter, vous consentez l'utilisation de TOUS les cookies. We never had snow here at the beach, so we didnt know anything about sledsor hills for that matter! You can try again. North Carolina State University (the latter three in the practically adjacent cities of Chapel Hill, Durham, and Raleigh, NC, respectively)? Yup. Just a few, but there are many more. Canadians use both pop and soda. When did the South rise the first time? Grow the fk up! And arrogance can come from the Northern States, the Southern States, hell, it can even be found in Antarctica. I am from Texas (theres a difference yall). The following are some characterstics (Wells, 1982: 530-552). Honey Boo Boo is supposedly Southern, but shes just some 6yo in Georgia that talks just like any DMV clerk in Brooklyn. states; South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Texas, Georgia, Louisiana. I was born and raised in SC. Drop the g and add an r Dont they teach that along with i before e except after c? HUH? Like the Northeners are any better. Im from Kansas. I was down here barely 3 months.got hit by a hit and run.two weeks later so asshole hit my car in a parking lot and left..two weeks after that some STUPID BITCH was TEXTING WHILE DRIVING and rear ended me. Also a lot of my family has a twang/ drawl. They also said you guys moreand while yall was used, it wasnt as common. And you dont own us. Have to admit I have met some real decent Southern folk, who are indeed the salt of the earth, but Ive met a lot more who fit into the former category. Now I find myself thinking about Floridawhich seems to start out as the (deep) southuntil you drive far enough southand then, frankly, I am at a loss for how I would describe things. They enjoy putting us down. Not at all. Funny, I grew up saying some of those words, and so did my familybut we are from Southern Pennsylvania, and go back centuries there (like the 1630s). It was NOT just in the south. My brother lives in rural Pennsylvania, and there are as many rednecks up there as here. My yankee blood is nicely mixed with the blood of an American Indian Chief. when we see southern people here we welcome them and are friendly. First of all, MIT *IS NOT* AN IVY LEAGUE **SCHOOL**! Define rise pleaseDo you mean you will continue to disregard education? (LETS GO YANK-EES! Mah for "my" and hah for "hi." Variations in vowels are among the most common differences between Southern pronunciation and the standard American accent . Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. i am in Alabama,,ive heard it all over ,,but the expression in Alabama we use is ,,Eat up with the dumbass. Im not sure why but I do know its cultural. Old feelings are hard to change. Yankee told me the South lost the Civil Warget over itI boxed him in the nose and said.We have yet begin to fight! This has got to be the stupidest thing I have ever seen I was born in the north and live in the south and all I have to say is were f#@#ing Americans! I live in the South now, and sorry to say, I dont understand most Southern women at all. Were not all judgemental, or assholes.. Lord , child .. what seems ta be your real problem? I dont know if Ive a southern accent or not I think its because Im surrounded in my familiar surroundings with people of the same accent some of the above postings are things that I have said. Itd be better to let go and move on to bigger and better accomplishments. I come from a long line of folks born and raised in South Central Texas. I was raised in southern LA about an hour southwest of nola and am crackin up at the truths of the majority of these. We'll know you're a Yankee, or that your parents were Yankees, if you say "you guys". For the bitchy Southern woman, you forgot something infinitely worse than bless your heart. Mind you, I say this as a Christianbut unfortunately the worst thing you can possibly hear from a Southern woman is an overly syrupy-sweet Ill pray for you. OOOOOOOHHHHHH shut up! Give you a whoppin like you aint never seen Only in the South. We are generally on the poor side while the rest of Indiana has some dough. How is your alls day going? The North and South are both large enough to be many, many different countries and so have numerous subcultures and such within it (think of all the different cultures squished into small countries in Europe). There were as many Po folk in the South as there was in the Northern areas. A person who was not quite right was touched but pronounced tetched or crazier than a coot. Its the South, not lower-case south. Im as southern as they come. New Bern, to be exact. I seriously hope youre joking. Do you have any suggestions for aspiring writers? Im here to tell yall from life experience half up north and half down south, that there is very little difference between the two beyond climate, some foods, and some dialects and accents. 3. The South has become less and less Southern as more people from all over the USA move down here. Maam, that was a fine read. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Fricker! That brings me to the end do my southern charm by saying, now come on by and sit a spell ye here? I am from the south and Very proud of it!!!!!! People from Tampa pronounce Lutz as Lutes or Loots. We arent the racist u think, some are but thats not just south and not just black n white. I grew up on Southern California, but my people were Arkansawyers. Nanner = banana, tater = potato, mator = tomato. Lmao. My step mother is from Boston and still just calls it a winger hat. What are the chances that he will be made to feel unwelcome just because hes form NJ? 1. Shouldve said Yankees instead of Northern folk, and dont worry not all Yankees are lik that. I live in northwest Indiana a half hour from Chicago and my mom says dumb as a box of rocks. Southerners once again proving they are, in fact, dumber than a box of rocks. I moved my kids up north for one year, they breezed thru that year. Text Size:thredup ambassador program how to dress more masculine for a woman. More true info in that one post than most Americans now know about that war. The Southern States wanted to protect their interest and their way of life. Shakespeare used yonder, like in Romeo and Juliet. here in the south we say ZACKLY; YOUR BREATH SMELLS ZACKLY LIKE YOUR ASS. The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Bachelor Sister Wives 90 Day Fiance Wife Swap The Amazing Race Australia Married at First Sight The Real Housewives of Dallas My 600-lb Life Last Week Tonight with John Oliver. This author also forgot youns. I am from a middle-class home as well, but I know good and well that I come from a southern home. How about he didnt know whether to take a crap or brush his teeth, or how about he didnt know whether to shit or go blind. Also, when describing ones former poverty situation, We didnt have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of. We also use dumber than a bag of doorknobs and dumb as a box of hammers. Northwestern Nebraska (the sand hills) is a place you can drive for miles and miles and never see a soul, just long, tall grass, a windmill, or a cow. I live in South Florida and one of the things I regret is the lack of Southern hospitality that I found in places like St. Augustine and Savannah. dixiedragon I think it must be transplanted Yankees that are trying to convince people that Texas is not a Southern State.