The massive packs they travel in. The Patriots were, for so very long, the bottom of the barrel in terms of local fan enthusiasm. Their fans also have the reputation of being one of the rudest and meanest in the Big Ten. A Cotton Bowl victory over the Longhorns most-hated rivals in Oklahoma. The way they talk about their team you would think they had won a title more recently than Texas. And, above all else, there is the constant winning over the last 30 yearsan easy way to get hated. the talent head coach Jimbo Fisher is bringing in, The 10 Best Marching Bands in College Football, Ranked, The 10 Worst Heisman Trophy Winners of All Time, Ranked. Its football season! Mute annoying friends If you don't want to delete or block someone on Facebook but you find their posts really annoying, you can try muting them. No one is pretending the Hoosiers are relevant, though. (Unfortunately, Wisconsin will have to earn just an honorable mention on our list.) Why do you have to add the The before Ohio State University? Is it really that important? The model franchise. Mention Michigan and you will send them into a frenzy. It's ridiculous to scrutinize another human being who is just there to support his or her team. West Virginia is a fine school, and Im told cousin-marrying ceremonies in the state have dropped 20% this year. Will Steve Spurrier coach this season shirtless? It's only made worse by the fact that the city now hosts two NFL teams. Here are 9 reasons why. Rounding out the top five is Michigan State. The video above. Tennessee fans take trash talk to another level. How do you know football is king in Florida? And deep down, you know it too. Was that 2007 team loaded at every position? SEC football: Ranking the most loyal fan bases from worst to first Teams SEC Alabama Arkansas Auburn Florida LSU Tennessee Texas A&M ACC Clemson UNC Big Ten Iowa Michigan Michigan St.. These fans have assimilated sports writers, the media, and the BCS haters. Ohio State topped out as the most annoying fans with 33% of the vote with Alabama barely edging out Notre Dame with 28 and 27% respectively. The Red Sox, Celtics, Bruins, and all of the major college hockey teams in the Boston area all enjoyed more support than the Patriots. UT has attended two national Championships since 2005,. Sure! I don't know what it takes to make a fanbase want to prolong the inevitable with fake penalties, but that has to be something pretty strong. One spent almost 30 years suffering with a team that rarely broke .500 (the Aints!) and was helmed by the likes of Aaron Brooks andBilly Joe Tolliver, while the other only knows the Super Bowl success of the Sean Paytonera. Point is, football is supposed to be fun, and you lovable, thick-torsoed goons know how to have it. Roll Tide? Never before in the history of sports fair-weather fandom has there been a group as obnoxious as the Pats' fans. As for Tebow Could you at least have saved the permanent plaques until after he graduated? When a team is as good as it is, the fans get cocky and they get annoying. Eagles fans are the people who get into fights at an eight-year-old girls' T-ball game, possibly with an eight-year-old girl. "It's the best time I've had since Week 1 . How would you rank the most "annoying" fan bases in all of college football. Nothing brings out the dregs of your city like a successful NFL run. c. Success and making excuses for illegally gained success: Have you won a few national championships lately? One thing I found in my research was some LSU fans claiming, with backup, that the fans in Arkansas continued to cheer and "call the hogs" even when an LSU player was injured on the field. Both, though, are among the most polarizing figures in college football history. b. Arrogance: Do you refuse to believe other colleges exist in your state? The Barstool Sports podcast, Unnecessary Roughness, ranked the 10 most "annoying" fan bases in all of college football heading into the 2022 season. Do we put it into our own team's fuel tank, cheering them on whether it be a surefire win or a lost cause? (And theyre now calling for his firing after a disappointing season.). We all love our teams and will until the end of time. Either way, youre pretty much one Drew Brees retirement away from a return to fan normalcy and a drop waaaay back down this list. The sole purpose of Colorado fans is to hate Nebraska. They make you sign a contract as soon as you don the black and gold. Being the unofficial college football historian that I am, Ive decided to look at which fans drive the blood pressure up of everybody else in America. Is this FINALLY the year Jason Garrett pulls a Bill Cowher and figures things out? Nebraska was the powerhouse in the Midwest, recruiting the best to stay the best. Feelings about college football fan bases are pretty simple: You don't like any that you're not a part of. To do that, theyll have to beat an Alabama team thathaschoke-slammed them to the mat in the last two SEC Championships. They just enjoy spite and hatefulness for the sake of spite and hatefulness. I mean, the whole Greg Schiano ordeal was a disaster and I understand why they balked. It has history, tradition and one of the best programs out there. Its a little embarrassing that the biggest rivalry you have going right now doesnt involve the team on the field, but whether you can make more noise than the fans in Seattle. Notre Dame gave the worst tickets and were entitled. However, there are some instances where fans wearing red and white took fandom to the next level. The houndstooth hats. Look, whether it started with the Saints or Bengals, no one cares -- its dumb either way. You're both "all in"when it comes fandom -- which is great for jersey and ticket sales -- but its clear which group can handle a 1-4 start and which one keeps annoying everybody at the bar by yelling Who Dat? every two minutes. To determine our rankings, we surveyed more than. The "U," as they all like to call it, are some crazy football fans for a team that hasn't exactly had any glory since their loss to Ohio State in the 2003 national championship. These are the cream of the obnoxious crop, the Sweet 16 of obnoxious college basketball fans. Theyve been really fucking good for too long. Matt Leinart. Those wins came when football was one step removed from gladiatorial combat. The content on this site is for entertainment and educational purposes only. The fan base can be unbearable at times, but they havent been in the national conversation since Larry Coker led them to a national championship in the early 2000s. There are some reports on ESPN that Georgia ejects over 300 fans per game. The Sea of Red is one of the coolest traditions out there, but any crazy Husker fan will tell you that Crouch, Suh, and Gill are some of the best players to ever walk the face of this planet. According to family members, Marcus Mason was pulled out of the car and beaten. 1 spot in the polls every year. They did this year due to COVID-19, but likely go back to the way it was. Not to be all clichd (and, yes, we can see your eye-rolling now, Iggles fans), but you are a fanbase that booed Santa Claus, cheered when an opposing player got a career-ending neck injury, and threw batteries at the Easter Bunny. All betting content is intended for an audience ages 21+. Most of the fan base living off their glory years, but, hey, maybe they can get back one of these days. Like any groups of fans, there are the classy ones and the die-hard crazy ones. When you suffer for years through game-day temps in the '90s and Vinny Testaverde QB ratings in the '70s, it breeds loyalty. Duke fans deservedly get the most venom of any college hoops fan base, but North Carolina isn't exactly filled with humble, "aw shucks" types. Not a great look. Their fans are regularly arrested after games (don't get me started on the players). Not only do teams contend with fans, but they have to focus while fans are shaking cowbells throughout the game in one of the most unique traditions in college football. Usually there is a group of awful ones that sully the name for the entire group. And as you wade through empty liquor bottles after another home loss, there is a better-than-average chance you wont be able to get into your car because somebody is being beaten up behind it. Sure, your players can blow their hands off on Fourth of July or shoot themselves in the foot at a nightclub, but they do it the Giants way! Dont quote me on this, but left guards were allowed to hold tridents during the 1889 bowl games. Michigan fans rank up this high not because they throw things or are rude at games, but just because they out do us all when it comes to arrogance. It was totally a forward pass. The State of New Jersey actually asked Rutgers to put on seminars to increase "civility" for students, alumni and faculty. 3 Seahawks The Seattle Seahawks are a professional American football franchise based in Seattle, Washington. Talk to any Bears fan and youll get a sense of thoroughly undeserved self-importance mixed with Italian beef, a few expletives about Jay Cutler, and considering drafting a kicker in the first round. Gerald Riggs. 2 spot is THE Ohio State University. We all know it. Anyway, each fan base is irritable in one way or another, but here are the nine who are the most annoying. And, yes, youre the only fanbase in South Florida thats not one losing season away from complete apathy, but most of your old-school fans are middle-aged guys who moved up to Lighthouse Point and Jupiter sometime in the 1990s -- and they're not so obnoxious. Their fans are cocky and their band is arrogant looking. Even SEC fans, some of the most passionate in the world, voted LSU the worst hosts for football games. Never mind that those certificates are about as valuable as that share of a gold mine you got on a family trip to South Dakota. Make no mistake, they are one of the top teams in the country consistently but the SEC elitists, such as Paul Finebaum, dont help matter. According to the Morgantown Police Department, the fight began as the fans were trying to leave the parking lot at Milan Puskar Stadium. A recent social media ranking named the 10 most "annoying" fan bases in all of college football. Posted by panhandlebama on 11/23/21 at 10:30 am. They hold onto the old glory days when Stoops led them to a title or even before that when coach Switzer-led OU. 2. Arkansas has one of the dumbest cheers in the nation as the "call the hogs." You ARE those jokes. And, boy, are the relevant-for-the-first-time Seahawk fans finding this one out. So basically, in half a generation, you'll be the same as Heat fans, and move up a solid eight spots on this list, regardless of whether you ever win another playoff game. In my Bag: Rogue ST Max D 9 Degree with VENTUS Blue 5 S Rogue ST Max D 3 Wood with VENTUS Blue 6 S Rogue ST Max D 5 Wood with VENTUS Blue 6 S Epic Super Hybrid 4 with Aerotech FC75 S Apex DCB 5-PW with Recoil Dart 75 Stiff Shafts MD5 Chrome 54/58 with Catalyst 80 Stiff TriHot 5K Triple Wide and Garage Las Vegas Current Ball: 2022 Chromesoft X LS Proud Grandaddy 2021 Alumni If you're on the FSU side of things, you get chills every time . Replies (1) Options Top. They shed accusations of cheating as if they are old John Hannah jerseys, even though everyone everywhere knows that Belichick is one of those guys who will cheat even while theyre winning just because it makes him feel clever. 5 Most Celebrated/Annoying College Football Chants: Florida State's Tomahawk Chop. Ah, Green Bay. But until Reid can prove he's not Marty Schottenheimer 2.0, you shouldn't get tooexcited. This i Pac-12 fans get too drunk during games, per this survey. Arizona considers themselves the premier university in its state, and as much as that may not mean much, they certainly like to make a big deal out of it. Sign up for daily stories delivered to your inbox. But, the fact they thought they could poach Mike Gundy from Oklahoma State or get Jon Gruden (dodged a bullet there in hindsight) was ludicrous. Ohio State is by far the most obnoxious university. According to respondents, Alabama fans might need to calm down because theyre the No. Say what you will about the barely-filled Hard Rock Stadium on Saturdays, when Miami sniffs relevance, their fans are as heinous as anyone. Not every fan base is filled with annoying fans. The actual Niners fans left behind in, you know, San Francisco have now softened their obnoxiousness, and mostly spend their days conflicted as to whether they should cheer on their squad or hope they actually lose all the rest of their games as a rebuke to their stupid owner, who, OF COURSE, went to Notre Dame. You might have noticed the hoards of loyal Los Angeles Rams fans who waited patiently while the team won a championship in St. Louis, then packed the Coliseum and turned it into one of the most raucous oh, right. This could have been their year for a shot had it not been for the Memphis Tigers. Gill . Every college football season begins with commentators declaring this year to be the dawg's year. I have compiled a list of the 25 most annoying colleges in the nation today. Or do we dump it onto the the opposing fools who dared to challenge us in our own house? Jesus. Three minutes later, a crowd has gathered. Which Green Bay now collectively pretends never happened. And yet, youremain an industrially jovial, generally adorable bunch full of Labatt Blue and misbehavior, but never hate. And finally, its partly the fans, who pretended the Irish still mattered for many years when they didnt, and who now are actually pissed Notre Dame isnt getting more credit for its successes last season. From chants of "a--hole" directed at opposing fans to obscenities that are downright disgraceful, Michigan State definitely makes this list for many reasons. Some are respectable, some you didn't know exist, and others will hurt your feelings by calling out the coffee stain on your shirt . Bijan Robinson has met with many teams at the NFL Combine. According to a 2009 poll done by Sports Illustrated, UCF fans are apparently the rudest in Conference USA. About time. Ohio State has a long and storied tradition of being one of the top ranked programs in the country. The gripe I have with Tennessee is more with their program. Now, your lone claim to fame is selling out your stadium by dumping thousands of tickets on StubHub. Theres nothing wrong with getting a little rowdy and some trash talk during NCAA football games, but some college football fans cross the line. They are some of the most annoying groups of people, but which fan baseis the worst of the lot. Former CU head coach Bill McCartney declared a rivalry back in the 1980s because he felt like it. Fuck that. Their history as a school that likes to win doesn't give these fans a particular rudeness, but more a sense of entitlement and arrogance. I can tell you which college towns may have that George Clooney-esque cloud of smug hovering above their main streets, and which schools have documented cases of students throwing piss. There are lots of reports of Florida fans spitting beer over opposing fans, verbally attacking them, and being arrested. Except when you start yelling Who Dey." "I confirm first place goes to The Ohio State," another fan added on social media. It was also more than a quarter-century ago, and after years of Kirk Cousins malaise, your new quarterback suffered a Joe Theismann-esque injury that may have ended his career. SEC even though they have accomplished absolutely nothing in the conference. A SI fan survey had the Volunteers voted third worst in the SEC and now more than ever do they have the right to be frustrated. The MOST Annoying College Football Fans 1,191 views May 23, 2022 61 Dislike Share Save Crain & Company 12.4K subscribers We rank the most annoying college football fan bases and it gets. Sure, you might have friends who cheer for other teams, but come Saturday that friendship is left at the door. Right now there are at least 50 people in San Quentin Prison for something they did after a Raiders game. Call the Michigan Problem Gambling Helpline at 1-800-270-7117, you have a gambling problem. More like roll it back. So once again Alabama is the best at something. These fans even used to wave Confederate flags at their games. Thankfully, their fan base doesn't want to talk about it. What better way to spice things up than to be obnoxious at college football games? Or who knows, maybe Adderall! They are seriously insane at football games. According to the latest voting results, Alabama, Ohio State, Tennessee and Texas are the four most. The NFL-level defenses. They havent won a national championship in this century, yet you hear about them frequently. In the early 2000s the USC Trojans were what Alabama is today. Id like to rewind to the year 1993, when everyone was convinced the Pats would move to St. Louis and become the Stallions, and most Boston people COULDNT CARE LESS. Jed York now has a state-of-the-art stadium perfect for the terrible tech class, who go to the games for upscale chef-driven sandwiches and craft beers and the ability to charge your phone at different docking stations, and could give two shits about the product on the field because none of youare actually from San Francisco anyway. Ohio State fans put themselves on a pedestal above the rest. As a 49ers fan in the Seattle area, this is definitely true. Some fans go from bad to worse, claiming that they deserve the No. For nearly four minutes, the unidentified fan insults the Tide football team and Alabama residents while seemingly trying to instigate a fight. Earlier, I claimed Texas to be the most arrogant of all the Texas schools, which I promise you is true. That's the essence of Eagles fans right there. Florida, man. Ask the announcers from that game, they'll agree with you. 2 Legit 2 Quit. We get it. Are there specific nicknames dedicated to fans who did not actually go to your school? Notre Dame fans are the No. Leeds and Spurs follow next, with 3.8% and 5.1% of the study believing these fans are the most annoying on social media, while Manchester City complete the top five with 8.0% of supporters voting . Lane Kiffin. Build your customFanSided Daily email newsletter with news and analysis onAll College Football and all your favorite sports teams, TV shows, and more. It took place during the alcohol-soaked periods before and after a game against LSU in 2011: Police in West Virginia are looking for a group of people accused of attacking four LSU fans leaving Saturday nights game in Morgantown. 2 most arrogant behind the Crimson Tide, which may come as little surprise to those who see the Fighting Irish believing their team is the be-all, end-all in college football. That kind of passion is beyond belief. Josh Sanchez | Aug 28, 2018 10:23 am | Sep 30, 2020 4:42 pm. like their rivals Auburn and . The University of Miami has never exactly been the epitome of class and high stature, but some of their fans take that lowly reputation and love to smother it with mud and stomp on it till it till the cows come in. Oh, man. As SEC faithful, they demonstrate exactly what we would all expect out of that part of the football crazed country, but that fact doesn't excuse their behavior. The Phoenix New Times has named "Tribute to Troy" one of the "top 10 most annoying college football fight songs," while a columnist with The Seattle Times once referred to it as "almost as annoying as Nancy Grace ". Without further ado, the five absolute worst fan bases in the SEC: The 5 Worst SEC Fan Bases 5. That is completely ridiculous and is the highest among college sports. Obviously the behavior was committed by a tiny minority of people, but theres a reason why theres not a lot of love for Morgantown elsewhere in the country. Lane Kiffin abandoning them after dedicated himself to the Volunteers must have really pissed off a fan base that was ready to get back to business in the SEC East. Over the years, the Longhorns have acquired a taste for arrogance through their many winning seasons; one unmatched by their rivals in College Station and Lubbock. But those delusions aside, at least you remain appropriately pessimistic about your teams chances, since the last time you even sniffed the Super Bowl was before Woodstock. The reigning Big Ten Conference champion Wolverines are seventh, while Michigan State lingers in the No. Autzen Stadium has a reputation for being one of the loudest and craziest around. So, hey, carry on with your jerseys-and-jeans Fridays, and maybe send Andrew Luck's doctor a thank you note. The winner (or loser, depending on how you look at it) is Tennessee.. Deion Sanders. All the success. It's a "you just have to be there to see it" kind of deal. Their fans are a byproduct. It applies to USC. Wisconsin will have to earn just an honorable mention, permanent plaques until after he graduated, caught the attention of the Tuscaloosa police, Deadspins Drew Magary shrewdly pointed out, actually pissed Notre Dame isnt getting more credit, The 10 Most Hateable Fan Bases in College Basketball. However, with the talent head coach Jimbo Fisher is bringing in, this all could change very soon. The glory days are long gone. WVU students have gained a rep for boorishness, and its followed them for years now. Vote below. You generally hate them, I wouldnt use hate in this sense as I would call it an aggressive dislike, but those fans are out there. Youre an original NFL franchise, and unlike those classless Jets, you have sophistication! 1 0. . Joe Robbins/Icon Sportswire via Getty Images. Nick Saban is the greatest college football coach of all time. Since the inception of the conference, they have won the conference title more than anyone else by a wide margin. The fans start the season off overly aggressive. Its not too surprising, given their reputation for hardcore tailgating and pelting rivals with Mardi Gras beads. The Oregon Ducks Capture the Best and Worst of College Football - The Atlantic Popular Latest Newsletters Sign In Subscribe Culture The Oregon Ducks Capture the Best and Worst of College. And while you'd think a group of people who are Gator fans on Saturday would be completely intolerable, Jags supporters get all of their annoyingness out during college games; by Sunday, they're content to just come out and enjoy the nice weather, regardless of which former Florida college star is throwing INTs that week. They get even more up in their faces when they easily beat them. Additionally, they are some of the most defensive people in the country. Your revisionist history of Adam Vinatieris career aside, youre actually a pretty innocuousgroup, mostly because anyone can shut you up just by yelling OMAHA! (Peyton trained you right, didnt he?) . That wont stop you from busting out the Pittsburgh-ese at the local Steeler bar, though, like you didnt skip town for the first warm-weather job that came around. What song does Ohio State song after games? Your "new" fans who cant name two players on the defense and come to Sun Life to take selfies at LIV. (And youre certainly not going to hear any tears for this ranking from within the state of Michigan.). As part of one of the most intimate traditions in college football, A&M fans consider an Aggies touchdown a touchdown for everyone present in support. Alabama is not difficult to hate. Jets fans are to the NFL what New Jersey is to the United States; you carry a chip on your shoulder (comprised of 10 pounds of Italian sausage and other assorted spiced meats) and anybody who dares question the greatness of your team is met with an overcompensating J-E-T-S cheer and possibly a punch to the gut. And this is a horrible image. Finally, its important to note that this list is more or less arbitrary, completely subject to my own whims and still, undoubtedly, bound to earn a few emailed death threats. If all of those other schools are always winning championships, why aren't we? A profanity-laden YouTube video posted by a Florida fan has caught the attention of the Tuscaloosa police. One way Gator fans can be loud and obnoxious once again is by seeing their squad win some games and when I say win games, I mean win the SEC title. Your academic accomplishments matter, your alumni matter, your research and your contributions to scholarship They all matter. Come along for the ride! You can't blame the richest athletic program in the country located in one of the best college cities and surrounded by a bountiful recruiting base for being bad. NFL The Ohio State Buckeyes Have Been Named "Most Annoying Fan Base" In College Football Ohios Tate 8/08/2019 11:06 AM 9 So Darren Rovell ran this stupid little poll for the haters and the losers of America could feel important. Look, we get it, you used to be good. The University of Texas is one of the premier football universities for top-notch athletes, gaining top recruits year in and year out. No matter what they do on the field, they inject themselves into every conversation about the Texas Longhorns.