She then watches as Steven finally melts down and transforms into a monster. In "Can't Go Back", Lion brings Steven to the Moon Base when Steven discovers The Barn on the moon. However, "Together Alone" shows him struggling to deal with Homeworld's stifling conformities and traditions, much like his mother did, especially when he learns that he and his friends must be split up during the ball he has decided to throw: only Pearl and Connie are allowed to remain by his side (with the latter as his "pet"), while Garnet must split up into Ruby and Sapphire, and they and Amethyst (who must wear limb enhancers) must remain with their kind of Gem. You locked Bismuth away inside Lion, because she wanted to shatter Gems, and you never told Garnet or Pearl. I've been crying her tears! When Steven returns to Little Homeworld after his fight with Spinel, Bismuth is happy to learn that he is unharmed and greets him along with Lapis and Peridot. The only people he has opened up to about it are Amethyst, Bismuth, and the Cool Kids. Later, after Steven has transformed back, Lion greets him with a warm, friendly lick and allows Steven to embrace him and cry into his mane as his master/charge finally lets out his emotions. Steven sees the best in everyone and is also very compassionate, something which Pearl notes he inherits from his mother and treasures his friends and family. Aquamarine says she's skeptical of how "a Steven" could also be a "My-Dad", but she accepts it because she wants to leave. Fluctuating Age: Steven can manipulate his age through his state of mind, his physical age depending solely on how old he thinks he is. In "Beach City Drift", it reveals that his negative experience with Kevin in "Alone Together" as Stevonnie carried over to Steven full-force, being one of the few characters in the series Steven possesses hostility towards. Steven addresses Onion as if they are good friends. Eyes. ", Amethyst admits she is angry about Rose not admitting she was Pink Diamond, but doesn't want to dump all of her emotional baggage onto Steven, but rather shares her concerns for him. It is shown that Steven respects her as he always listens whenever she speaks. In Steven Universe: The Movie, he's bonded enough with his father to fuse with him effortlessly, despite being weakened, becoming Steg. His first attempt in "Cat Fingers" was disastrous, temporarily turning him into a cat monster. "Made of Honor" further shows his enthusiasm for weddings in the form of the wedding planner book he claims to have been putting together his entire life and he shows great zeal in preparing for and performing Ruby and Sapphire's wedding in "Reunited". In "Everything's Fine", Connie calls Steven just after he returns from Homeworld, but he dodges her questions about his condition and ends the call, much to her concern. The only time he has shown true anger and prejudice toward someone is Kevin in "Beach City Drift" for the way he treats Stevonnie. Dieser Button zeigt den derzeit ausgewhlten Suchtyp an. When Jasper tells Steven to not be afraid of his power and enjoy the feeling of releasing his anger, he asks Jasper to help control this power, relying on her for guidance. During their planning of the Era 3 ball in "Together Alone", Steven helps them understand the concept of fun, encouraging them to realize and acknowledge what they enjoy doing. The two are inseparable, with the relationship heavily skewed; coming mostly from Spinel. However, due to the Crystal Gems' obliviousness about some human activities, he is quite oblivious about some social terms, like "nuclear family". When Steven's power starts growing out of control due to him still being hurt by her declining his proposal, she quickly realizes the problem and convinces her mom that he should have his space, promising she'll be there for Steven whenever he's ready to talk to her. Clontarf remain top of the table in Energia All-Ireland League Men's Division 1A, taking care of their bonus point by half-time before hooker Donnellan took his season's haul to 12 tries in 14 . Greg later rushes to the hospital when Connie calls him to tell him that she's worried about Steven and begs his son to talk to him, eventually calming him down enough to where he returns to normal size after growing enormous from stress. The two would play in Pink's garden until she was finally given a colony. Steven has never attended a school and before "Nightmare Hospital" had never been in a hospital or had his vitals taken. I guess what really matters right now is how hard Garnet took it. As seen in "Reunited", Steven has the power to officiate weddings in the state of, Steven's bubble boxing gloves are similar to the Bari Bari No Pistol technique of the character Bartolomeo from. Videos. Yellow Diamond. Verwerfen. But then they were cast out, forgotten when the traitor duped all of Homeworld into loving him instead. That's a big dynamic for Steven as the show goes on. In "Legs From Here to Homeworld", Steven heals Nephrite along with Yellow and Blue Diamond, but she immediately reverts to her corrupted state once they take their hands off her. While Steven is often prepared to go on adventures at a moment's notice he has a habit of biting off more than he can chew, requiring the Gems to intervene. According to an interview with Rebecca Sugar in 2015, the Gem that Steven knew the least about at that point in the show is Pearl. Ultimately, in "Everything's Fine", the realization that he is becoming worse than his mother (compared to her faults) leads him to become a monster. It's also implied that the two have finally entered an official relationship as they share their first on-screen mouth-to-mouth kiss just before Steven leaves, and Connie sees him off with Greg and the Gems. In "Familiar", Blue Diamond acts warmly towards Steven whom she believes to be Pink. Peedee is Steven's friend whom he helped out in the episode "Frybo". And forever shall he rue the names "Eyeball": And Ruby! His legs are digitigrade in posture and his feet bear five claw-tipped toes each. "Growing Pains" showcases the aftermath of Steven's failed proposal to Connie: his body begins shapeshifting out of control due to his emotions, and Connie convinces him to go see a doctor for the first time in his life. Aquamarine takes it humorously, asking rhetorically if that is how "Rose" flattered so many Gems to join the Rebellion. Steven first meets Aquamarine while looking for some of his friends who have gone missing. Despite initially being shocked at this revelation he states that he can indeed believe it, given that Spinel is not the only one she wronged, though he doesn't hold it against her, not forgetting that she also suffered before and after what she did to her friend. He expresses a strong, enraged demeanor alien to Steven during and after a re-encounter with him at his dad's car wash, and is in a sour mood for the rest of the day. In "Hit the Diamond", Steven is quick to hug both the Gems when Garnet unfuses, but is distressed over the two ignoring the game to flirt with each other, leading him to give them a pep talk/scolding, which both of them listen to. While Steven retains his childlike innocence and obliviousness to the dangers he is put in, his encounters with Homeworld Gems give him a new level of seriousness. Steven is rather naive and socially oblivious due to his isolated upbringing. Steven exclaims that her actions against Homeworld have made her an official Crystal Gem. His gemstone is still located where his navel would be, though it appears much smaller due to his massive size in this state. Lion, most of the time, does whatever he wants and often ignores or disobeys Steven. That's got to shift. She asks if he is "My-Dad" again, he says no, and she flies off. Bei Erweiterung erscheint eine Liste mit Suchoptionen, die die Sucheingaben so ndern, dass sie zur aktuellen Auswahl passen. Constance Nebbercracker (formerly known as Constance the Giantess or known as the Monster House) is a posthumous character and the main antagonist of the 2006 computer-animated film, Monster House. From across the world, Steven is involuntarily able to see through Blue Diamond's eyes and cry her tears through his dreams. Alexondra Lee (2005-2012, his death) Stephen Dunham (September 14, 1964 - September 14, 2012) was an American actor, best known as Edward Pillows on the series DAG and known internationally for his roles as Isaac Henderson in The Mummy and Dr. Paul Chamberlain in Monster . On the Gem homeworld, there was a Sapphire gem who had the uncanny ability to see the future. Jason Voorhees' height, when played by Ken Kirzinger in Freddy vs. Jason was 6'5", making him the tallest actor to ever embody the silent killing machine. And every time I'd see that painting of you hanging in the Temple, I'd be inspired and reminded of how much I had to live up to. With Connie's encouragement, however, Steven decides to go against the traditions, and dances with her, but this ends up causing trouble when the two fuse, which causes an uproar that ruins the ball, and leads to the Crystal Gems, who fused in defiant support of Stevonnie, to be poofed, and Stevonnie themself to be locked away in a prison tower as punishment. Peridot soon escapes and activates her robot to retrieve the communicator. I finally know the truth. However, Steven's love interest Connie Maheswaran rallies everyone and says they have to show Steven compassion as he once did with them. As the Diamonds put it, it's not possible for them to be corrupted. On the sides of his head are a pair of long, angular horns that point upwards, as well as a similar-looking pair of short, curved tusks on the sides of his lower jaw. In "Together Forever", Steven rides Lion to Connie's house, and he brings the two back to the beach where they met where Steven intends to propose to her. He is shown to have cooked various complicated dishes like the together breakfast in "Together Breakfast" and his salmon sandwich in ". When Steven is sometimes troubled by the burden of being a Crystal Gem, he takes solace in continuing Rose's legacy by protecting the world like she wanted him to. I think maybe Cookie Cat had run out of ways to grow on his home planet. Unlike the Crystal Gems, Greg does not seem too concerned about Rose giving up her life as Steven inheriting her "Gem identity" - other than the latter getting Steven into situations that Greg does not approve of. Sadie is one of Steven's friends who, unlike her co-worker Lars, is friendly, considerate, and affectionate towards Steven. During the battle, instead of being cold and ruthless to her as she does to him and the rest of the Crystal Gems, he teases her instead. In Steven Universe: The Movie, Steven expresses disappointment towards her after finding out about her abandoning Spinel. Steven is overjoyed to see her again and his joy increases when she officially declares herself a Crystal Gem. Though Steven expresses discomfort around "Hippie" Rose Quartz and "Superfan" Rose Quartz as well, he is the most troubled around "Shy" Rose Quartz because of her extreme resemblance to his mother. I'm supposed to make everything better!You can! The two bond again, in the episode "In Dreams", when the two watch the Camp Pining Hearts reboot together, in which they both hate. No matter the situation, Steven will always go out of his way to support his loved ones, even if it means putting his life on the line and he will avoid resorting to violence if possible. The advice, of course, ends up having the opposite effect, instead causing Connie to believe that Steven has given up on making amends with her after being unintentionally abandoned and shut out by her for so long, and has decided to both drop her as his best friend and replace her with Kevin, which is seemingly confirmed in her eyes when the two have an awkward encounter in which he, still under Kevin's influence, implies that he has moved on from her and Lion, and is much happier with them out of his life. Diamond. He wants to be a great hero just like them and is eager to go on adventures with the trio, both to prove his worth and to have fun exploring strange lands. He is friendly toward almost everyone he meets (even to his detriment), rarely holds grudges, and is non-discriminatory, never treating anyone with prejudice, even enemies. In the months following, he decides to leave Beach City to go on a road trip on his own to see the world and find himself. but they're fighting and she's actively trying to get him. Moved, and desperate to redeem the Gem, Steven brings Spinel back to the Gems and Connie, who, after initially being wary, agree to let Steven help Spinel to deactivate the Injector. However, upon her regeneration, the two become mutual acquaintances, with Spinel resuming her 'Best Friend' status with Steven, as she did with Pink. You know, if you just let everyone be whoever they are, maybe you could let yourself be whoever you are, too.White Diamond: But I'm not supposed to be like this! Steven Quartz Cutie Pie DeMayo Diamond Universe, When fused with Ruby and Sapphire (or Garnet), they form, When fused with Ruby and Sapphire (or Garnet), Amethyst, and Pearl, they form. In her most recent outfit, she sports a pair of purple overalls. And that's why I'm here, isn't it? In "Keeping It Together", Steven is the first to find her. This also displays a ruthless and darker Steven as he hones the destructive side of his powers with Jasper's training. Verwerfen. She also shows great concern for Steven when he briefly lifted the Injector out of the ground, as well as when he burned his arm from the poison. However, this ability to fuse is only possible through his gem and training, and once his gemstone was affected by Spinel's rejuvenator, fusing with his father proved to be extremely exhausting for Steven and severely weakened him since he lost the power and focus he originally had. "Storm in the Room" highlights Steven's anger and confusion towards Rose over her actions and how she "disappeared" leaving him to clean up her mess. In "The Future", Amethyst learns Steven is going to leave Beach City and see the world thanks to Garnet's future vision and, not wanting to hold him back, acts nonchalantly when Steven finally tells them alongside the other Gems. After many failed attempts, Peridot comes up with a new plot, their own character "Steffan" will do one of the characters dirty by kissing their love interest. They don't know what to do without you! Shapeshifting: Since Steven turned into a monster due to his thoughts of being one, it was clear he kept this ability. Steven Universe Height Chart . White Diamond: What did you say? Steven: Wow, you're so articulated!Sardonyx: Well, aren't you the sweetest little charmer! Pink diamond. 9. "Eyeball" then summons her weapon, a chisel knife, and attempts to kill Steven, but Steven throws her out of his bubble, and she drifts in space away from him. Later he is shown playing his ukulele with her singing with a sad smile. She was healed alongside the rest of the Corrupted Gems in "Change Your Mind" and for a . In "Bismuth Casual", Steven and Connie go with Pearl and Bismuth to a roller rink to have fun. However, this is very unlikely, as the Behemoth only has . In "Homeworld Bound", Jasper's new respect for Steven is shown by standing aside to let him leave the bathroom first while in the Diamond Pose. Steven's gemstone projects a form that looks like a pink-colored version of Steven's human body and speaks in his voice after cycling through the forms of his mother. technical difficulties!!! In this episode, Steven discovers his healing powers, as he inadvertently fixes Connie's bad eyesight. Her hair is waist-length, white in colour. Steven has since grown more mature and level-headed in dealing with strenuous situations, but his enthusiasm has remained the same. Fusion Gems: Alexandrite Crazy Lace Agate Garnet Mega Pearl Obsidian (Rose Quartz Fusion) Opal Rainbow Quartz Sardonyx Sugilite At first, she is wary of her surroundings, being scared by the presence of the rest of the Crystal Gems. It's at this point that Steven realizes Greg is no different or better than his mother in running away from a strict, abusive upbringing and realizes how unusual his own upbringing was. By approaching her calmly and feeding her Chaaaaps, Steven managed to calm her down, and later train her. his family and friends) are moving on with their own goals and lives, and implies that Connie's declining of Steven's proposal might have set his emotionally-charged shapeshifting off. I know what you are: You're a liar! When Steven's gemstone is removed from his body, he splits into two entities: one fully human, the other fully Gem. Despite this, he still believes she can be good and even said that maybe if she sees how nice humans are she might not want to hurt anyone. Spoilers will be present! As revealed in "Steven vs. Amethyst" though, he has doubts that he cannot measure up to Rose's greatness, which is why he works diligently to become a worthy successor to her legacy. He then takes him to Greg and Bismuth and watches as Steven relays a message to them for help before returning to his own body. "Growing Pains" shows that all of the Gem missions Steven went on made him incapable of managing normal human-level stress. Steven is shown to have unique tastes in entertainment. However, alongside Garnet and Pearl, Amethyst reveals she is actually very sad about him leaving and immediatly joins in a group hug. This shows an at least temporary shift in their personalities, with Steven being more withdrawn and practical than he usually is, while Connie is more upbeat and impulsive than she usually is. "I Am My Monster" shows Steven's complete emotional meltdown as he, now transformed into the monster he sees himself as, goes on a rampage as the Crystal Gems and later the Diamonds, Spinel, and the Cluster tries to keep him from hurting anyone and find a way to change him back. After he finds out she is short, he calls her cute and teases her, leading to Peridot slapping him in some playful way. Giant Ruby accepts this and unfuses, and as the Rubies are about to leave, "Eyeball" thanks Steven for the information. Your middle name is cutie pie. In "Super Watermelon Island" Alexandrite grows by 14 stories; to the height of about 43 Stevens (172 ft) tall. This Gem version of Steven is insistent that he is not Pink Diamond. I don't even want to think about it! I've been seeing through her eyes. In "An Indirect Kiss", Steven and Connie are shown not to care about things such as sharing the same straw. In "Reunited", it is revealed that he views Blue Diamond as part of his family due to his mother being Pink Diamond. Although Greg does not live with Steven, they often hang out. Steven's obliviousness can create problems even with those he cares about as in "Dewey Wins" he thinks Connie should be grateful to him for giving himself up to Homeworld to save her, not understanding how he hurt her until suffering the same hurt when Dewey concedes the mayoral race in spite of Steven's campaigning and urging the public to give him another chance; although this particular obliviousness could be attributed to him not being ready to face his feelings over his surrender and everything he experienced on Homeworld as well as having to deal with the emotional anguish his surrender caused his loved ones. I'm supposed to know better! Steven first meets Opal in "Giant Woman". You're like me! In Steven Universe Future, he retains his maturity from the movie, but can still be overbearing in trying to help others as seen in "Guidance". The final battle with Spinel in Steven Universe: The Movie shows him at the peak of his abilities as he fights her one on one, showing that he has grown exceptionally skilled since he was a child, able to either withstand or counter everything Spinel throws at him. The three then begin crying immediately and let him know how they truly feel, with Garnet's being a bunch of tears bursting out of her eyes. He also cries Blue Diamond's tears when he is near her.